Toy Workshop
Automatic translate
20 Марта
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
March 20, 18:00
Little Bear - a fairy tale with your own hands. toy workshop (10+)
Making soft toys with your own hands is an art where the master creates his little masterpieces every day.
The leader of the master class is Komarova Julia Andreyevna, master puppeteer, author of print media.
I want to tell you a little about the technology of manufacturing a soft toy, and for what, nevertheless, you need such a small miracle that is created with your own hands…
On sale today we see any soft toys: characters of fairy tales, especially foreign ones. Many stores offer a wide range of soft toys - a variety of materials and patterns of toys for making dolls, bunnies, teddy bears, smurfs, luntiks, etc. But soft toys that are made by yourself will always be more interesting, more valuable and more unique than purchased, you just need just believe in yourself and discern in this technology a huge number of opportunities for improving yourself and others. Our life requires a person to be creative in solving various problems, unusual actions, and quick orientation in situations. The master class uses a variety of techniques and forms of work that contribute to the development of creative potential, creative abilities of participants in the master class and society as a whole.
The cost of the master class is 1000 rubles.
Duration - 2 hours.
Record by phone 84991236569.
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