Harpsichord and chamber ensemble master class
Automatic translate
10 Февраля
Церковь святой великомученицы Екатерины
Кадетская лин., 27 А
February 10, Wednesday, 12.00 - 18.00
Master class on performing on harpsichord and chamber ensemble Marie-Angé Bust (harpsichord, Belgium) in the Church of St. Catherine (1st line of Vasilyevsky Island).
Antwerp Baroque Ensemble is an ensemble of professional musicians touring around the world with ancient music programs. They come to St. Petersburg for the first time. The collective performs ancient music on historical instruments, invites readers, artists, and dancers to their projects. The rare composition of the ensemble, including the baroque mandolin, flute traverse, as well as the cello, harpsichord and organ allows you to perform little-known compositions, restore the tradition of salon music making.
The ensemble includes:
Gerda Abbts - baroque mandolin, Yef van Boven - traverse flute, Hilda van Hoyevege - cello, Marie-Angé Boost - harpsichord, organ.
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