Shrovetide in the museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye" and the estate "Izmailovo"
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с 1 Февраля
по 15 МартаМузей-заповедник “Коломенское”
проспект Андропова, д.39
From February 1 to March 15, Shrovetide events will be held at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve and the Izmailovo Estate: interactive programs, museum classes and master classes, where you can learn about all the traditions and customs of this holiday, play old games, eat pancakes and ride in a horse-drawn sleigh.

The program "Boyar Maslenitsa" is held in the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Participants will be able to visit the women’s quarters, where the Russian tsarina, the sovereign’s sisters and his small children lived. In the 17th century, these spaces were closed to everyone except the inhabitants. The guide will tell you about the traditions associated with Shrovetide, and also about how this ancient holiday has changed and how it has survived to this day. And after that, guests will be offered a ride in a sleigh or horse-drawn carriages to admire the architecture of the wooden royal palace.
Participants of the interactive program "Russian Winter" will be able to learn about the life of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, about his luxurious Kolomna Palace, take part in a costume show, and then ride in horse-drawn carts.
During the Maslenitsa and Empress Maslenitsa programs, guests will be able to take a walk through the historical territory of the Sovereign’s Court in Kolomenskoye, visit the ancient Chambers in the cellars, where they will see authentic things of the Kolomna peasants and learn about folk Maslenitsa traditions. Both programs end with a folklore performance: the first with a theatrical performance in the Medovarna, the second with ancient games in the Culinary Chamber. At the end of both programs, participants will be treated to refreshments.
The program "Wide Shrovetide" will be held in the estate "Izmailovo". The guide will tell you about each of the seven days of the Maslenitsa week: when you need to prepare a Shrovetide effigy, when it was customary to start games, to whom on what day it was customary to go for pancakes. The story about this ancient holiday will be conducted on the historical territory of the Sovereign’s Court and at the exposition "Izmailovo - the royal estate of the 17th century." And after the decoration of the Maslenitsa scarecrow, a theatrical performance will take place.
At the museum lesson "Not life, but Shrovetide" you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the most joyful holiday and spend the winter with traditional games, fun and jokes. And at the master class “If you put your soul into it, you can do anything!” – get acquainted with the history of folk dolls and try to make your own “Home Shrovetide” from bast.
All listed activities are available to order for organized groups. They can be a bright end to winter for schoolchildren, students or tourist groups. Museum classes and master classes can be held both in the museum and outside.
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