Masha Pryanichnikova "Line and Spot" 0+
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с 2 по 28 Ноября
Творческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Design Club", 2nd floor.
Layering and the search for the language of plastics: Artmuse will host an exhibition of graphic works by Moscow illustrator Masha Pryanichnikova.
Masha Pryanichnikova is an illustrator, a native Muscovite; with her upcoming solo exhibition in Artmuz, she sums up some of the past two years of her career. The artist’s illustrations can touch on different topics, but what she writes always reflects her as a person: “Each work is always a meeting with oneself. Shallow or deep, fleeting, sharp, indifferent, crowded or empty. Always different, throbbing like life. "
Some works are inspired by the plots of films, others are inspired by events from life, and still others become a field of experiments. The main thing that unites them is the combination of lightness and layering, she mainly uses a limited palette of colors. Combining a spot and a line in different proportions allows you to convey emotions, emphasized by the accuracy of the image.
Masha Pryanichnikova started working in illustration three years ago, in 2019-2020 she took part in the international festival of book illustration MORS. In 2020, the first book with her illustrations was published by the publishing house BuxMart "Christmas tree at the Ivanovs" by Alexander Vvedensky. She also collaborated with the publishing house Nikea, with the magazine Baku.
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