Margoski # 2
Automatic translate
с 6 по 12 Марта
Галерея “Промграфика”
Глинищевский пер., д.5/7
From March 6 to March 12, 2020, we present the joint exhibition project Margoski # 2 of the Promgrafika and Expo-88 galleries.
We continue the Margoski exhibition project, which began its life in March last year, a modern variation on the theme of the spring women’s Slavic holiday.
The beginning of the coveted. The beginning of time. Riot of emotions and harmony of inspiration from the sources of heat, female energy. Our project symbolizes updating and becoming in the circle of its own natural cycle of things, seasons, events…
The works presented at the exhibition return us to the original female essence of creation, awaken the desire for beauty, love and harmony of life. After all, the exhibition "Margoski # 2" opens in early spring, when the world comes to life in and around us.
The project participants are exclusively women: Olga Grechina, Natalya Testina, Tatyana Mikhaylik, Olga Trushnikova, Elena Nenastina, Elena Gorina, Vera Kolganova, Alena Chernaya, Lidia Kazarina, Inna Bazhutina, Natalia Lamanova, Valeria Kozina, Natalya Velchinskaya, Irina Marts and Olga Okhrimets.
Time: exhibitions: from March 6 to March 12, 2020
Venue: Promgrafika Gallery
Glinischevsky Lane 5/7 entrance 6 of the metro Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya
Opening hours: from 14.00 to 19.30
Saturday, Sunday from 12.00 to 18.00
- Margoski
- Igor Dryomin: Exhibition MARGOSKI # 2 in the gallery PROMGRAFIKA
- "Weekdays of the Province" by Olga Motovilova Komova