Manyana. Exhibition of Philip Cossack
Automatic translate
с 15 Декабря
по 31 ЯнваряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
MANYAN. Exhibition of Philip Cossack The new exhibition of St. Petersburg artist Philip Cossack "Manyana" will open in the creative cluster of "Artmuz" on December 15.
The exhibition will feature a new series of paintings created by the author in 2016 after the Summer Trip to Spain.
The name of the exhibition "Manyana" (from the Spanish "tomorrow") reflects the artist’s work. “Romantic positive” - this is how the author described his works of the last period. Unhurried rhythms of the Mediterranean, measured interspersed with elegance, warmth, confidence that today’s sunny and hot day will continue in a restaurant by the sea, filled with a carefree coolness. It is this living kindness, coupled with irony, that makes viewers believe that tomorrow will be better tomorrow than yesterday. Do not put off until tomorrow what is possible the day after tomorrow.
All on Vernissage in Artmuzu!
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