"Kids in the city of muses"
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On New Year’s days, an inter-museum festival for children from zero to five years old, “Kids in the City of Muses,” will become a status for our city. For the third year, the Art ParkING Center has lobbied for a project to attract young families to museums and holds fairy tales, classes, concerts, and excursions in small and large state institutions of the city. In 2016, for the first time, the State Hermitage and the Sheremetev Palace will join the project. The project aims to improve the quality of life of the vulnerable segment - families with children of preschool age, children 0-5 years old.
Each event of the festival is a bright, creative, unpredictable holiday for kids and their parents. Inquisitive residents of the city, many of whom are less than a year old, will go to the city of Muses - museums and galleries in order to plunge into the unique atmosphere of the cultural space of St. Petersburg from the first months of life. The creative team of the Art ParkING Center has prepared a series of developing activities and concerts, performances and interactive excursions. Each meeting is unique. The center’s brand is concerts for the smallest (0-2 years old) “Music in sliders” #music sliders, in which first-class musicians take part. Baroque sounds here, individual concerts are dedicated to the music of Bach, Vivaldi, you can hear music from the era of romanticism and the 20th century. Within the framework of the festival, the premiere of a new type of activity for children - “Kids - Neformat” will take place, where jazz, swing, bossa nova and other compositions of different styles will sound in the music museum. Another musical activity, Multimedia, is also very popular, where children aged 2-4 learn musical instruments, play the organ, harpsichord, piano, Indonesian and other oriental instruments. And the Sheremetev Palace will open its doors for the experimental project “Sacra Music”, where sacred music of different traditions will sound (the Christmas program has been prepared on January 6). For those who do not sit still and prefer active listening, the format “Ballet in Sliders” has been prepared, where you can watch a professional dancer, modern dance and improvisation and move along with him to live music.
A series of interactive classes of fairy tales is dedicated to the new year. December 22 at the Theater Museum will host the premiere of the fairy tale "The Magic Cap" for the actor, artist and musician. The N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Museum-Apartment will also host for the first time the fairy tales “New Year’s Talisman”, “Magic Chest” and “The Nutcracker Wanderings”. The State Hermitage Museum, a restoration and storage center, will host fairy tales "The Snow Maiden’s Dream." There, in preparation for the new year, two classes will be held - a master class: on painting and New Year’s folk traditions.
Traditionally, in the New Year, the Sestroretsk Museum opens its doors - the Museum complex in Razliv, "Art Resort". There will be free concerts and performances during the New Year holidays.
Among the museums and art spaces that take part, we indicate:
The State Hermitage Museum (RCC), the Museum-Apartment of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, the Nevskaya Zastava Museum, the Theater Museum, the Sheremetev Palace, the Museum of Telephone History, the Museum Complex in Razliv, the Nest Art Space, the Museum of Urban Sculpture. The project involves teachers - specialists from different fields: musicians, artists, animators, psychologists, many of whom have a scientific degree, rich experience working with preschool children, diplomas of the best universities of the Russian Federation and prestigious continuing education courses.
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