Lyudmila Tabolina – House with windows towards the sunset
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с 4 по 25 Ноября
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
“House with Windows on the Sunset” is an exhibition of works by the recognized classic of Russian photography Lyudmila Sergeevna Tabolina, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the house in the village of Ladygino, Vyshnevolotsk district, Tver region. In this house, built by her grandfather in 1923, Lyudmila Sergeevna spent every summer from the mid-1940s, and since 1963 she also took photographs, creating a photo chronicle of the village of Ladygino and its inhabitants from Khrushchev’s times to the present day.

From 1963 to this day, in winter and summer, autumn and spring, Lyudmila Tabolina, coming to Ladygino, certainly takes pictures. Over the course of 60 years, a huge archive of photographs has accumulated, which reflect not only time, but also the change in photographic paradigms of the author himself. She sees the village not as an inhabitant of the city, a stranger from outside, for whom everything is new and a wonder, but as an initiate. Her camera searches and finds, at first glance, discreet, intimate details of life that restore the lost connections of man with nature and immerse him in the silence and patriarchy of the Russian village.
The Russian village, its life and villagers, in the photographs of Lyudmila Tabolina, acquire another existence, other dimensions, break away from the sinful earth and, transformed, settle in the space of dreams, poetry and metaphysics. If by Homeland we mean love for the place where you were born, grew up and lived your life, then Lyudmila Sergeevna’s photographs fully embody this love in artistic form.
Visitors to the exhibition will be given a unique opportunity to see the “escaping time” captured through the lens of Lyudmila Tabolina, and to feel the “visible emanation of what happened” created by her.
Lyudmila Tabolina was born on June 2, 1941 in Vyshny Volochyok, Kalinin region. Since 1961 he has lived in Leningrad-Petersburg. Graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute. Specialty: Chemical Technologist, Candidate of Technical Sciences. In the 1970 – 1980s she was a member of the photo club at the Palace of Culture named after. Gorky and the “Zerkalo” photo club. Member of the Russian Union of Photographers since 1992. A supporter of “silver” photography and hand printing. My favorite working lens is a monocle.
Author of more than 40 personal exhibitions and participant in more than one hundred group projects.
The works are in the collections of the State Russian Museum, the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, the Museum of the History of Photography (St. Petersburg), the Yaroslavl Art Museum, the V. V. Nabokov Museum (St. Petersburg), the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin (Moscow), Moscow House of Photography, Museum of Contemporary Spiritual Art at the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Convent (Kolomna), Photographic Museum "Metenkov House" (Ekaterinburg), Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky (St. Petersburg), Museum " Tsarskoye Selo collection" (Pushkin), Vyshnevolotsk Museum of Local Lore.
- Land of Ladygino. Exhibition of Lyudmila Tabolina. 6+
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- Lyudmila Tabolina. POLYCHROMIA. The photo
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