Lyudmila Chizhikova, Olga Kuvina, Oksana Chudnaya, Maria Guseva. CONSONANCE
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с 1 по 23 Июля
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
The exhibition "Consonance" was born suddenly, impulsively, as if in response to an unexpectedly hot and bright summer that visited the city on the Neva.
The exhibition presents paintings by four authors, each of whom has gone through his life and creative path, has his own view of the world, expresses it in his own way through his work. This creative self-expression also occurs in different ways, very unlike each other, very individually. But there is something that unites the work of these four artists. This is the ability to see the beauty around, to see the important and valuable in the simple, everyday, the desire to enjoy this simple, because it is the main thing, it is love. The desire to love life, to love this world around us, to love the eternal. Willingness to create. In the works of all artists one can feel consonance with their beloved city, with time and with each other.

Olga Kuvina was born in Petrozavodsk. After graduating from school, she entered the Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry as a shoe designer. A difficult but interesting life began in St. Petersburg. She has been a member of the St. Petersburg Society of Naive Art "Ra-Duga" for more than seven years, she believes that the lectures on the history of art, conducted by the head of the society I. N. Farrakhov, enriched her experience and knowledge, influenced her work. Permanent participant of collective exhibitions of the Society.
Oksana Chudnaya was born in Samarkand. I have always loved drawing, and tried myself in other creative endeavors. As a child, I attended an art studio. Lives and works in St. Petersburg since 2004. Since December 2017, she returned to her old dream - painting. In January 2020, she became a member of the St. Petersburg Society of Naive Art "Ra-Duga". Since July 1, 2021, she has been a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia. Since November 2021 - honorary member of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts, laureate of the international competition "Art. Excellence. Awards 2021, bronze medalist. Participant of more than 25 collective exhibitions.
Maria Guseva was born in Leningrad. As a child, drawing was her favorite pastime. But then studying at the university took almost all the time, then work at two institutes and postgraduate studies, work as a guide-translator, family. In 2016, Maria accidentally attended master classes in painting by Olga Bazanova, and painting captivated her irrevocably. In 2018, she met the artist I. N. Farrakhov, and became a member of the St. Petersburg Society of Naive Art "Ra-Duga". Participant of more than 15 collective exhibitions.
Lyudmila Chizhikova was born in the Vologda region. She began her career after her retirement. He writes poems for his paintings and supplements his works with them. Constantly in search of new forms and styles in painting. Member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, member of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts, a member of the St. Petersburg Society of Artists of Naive Art "Ra-Duga". She is a participant of more than 15 collective exhibitions.
- Exhibition "INteriorART" in the gallery "Moss-18"
- Personal exhibition of Elena Bazanova in the gallery "Moss-18"
- A charity master class at the Mokhovaya-18 Gallery for children of children of the Step Towards Charitable Foundation as part of the project of Elena Bazanova’s Watercolors. Living Space Still Life exhibition.