"Love Homeland." Exhibition of works by Mlada Finogenova, Vyacheslav Stekolshchikov and Anton Stekolshchikov
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с 29 Сентября
по 18 ОктябряРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
September 29, 2015 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, house 21, an exhibition of works by famous Moscow painters, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Stekolshchikov, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation Mlada Finogenova and Anton Stekolshchikov - “Love Homeland” opens.
Local Field Marshal. 2010 oil on canvas, 100x150
Foreboding of spring oil on canvas 2011
Fellow soldiers. Oil on canvas, 170x130, 2013
The exposition presents more than 150 paintings of different years: genre painting, landscape, interior from the family collection, from the collection of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art and private collections.
The creative biography of the members of the Stekolshchikovs family has much in common - at different times they graduated from the Moscow High School of Art and became graduates of the Moscow State Art Institute. V.I.Surikova, are active participants in many Moscow, All-Russian and foreign art exhibitions. Their further professional fate was determined by the fact that in 1980 V. Stekolshchikov and his family settled in Borisogleb, Yaroslavl Region, where, far from the bustle of the capital, they found their spiritual homeland. Ancient monuments of Russian history, Borisoglebsky Monastery, churches, churches, the special role of these places in the formation of the Russian state, their harmony with picturesque nature and leisurely lifestyle, preserving the cultural traditions of the Russian province, had a great influence on artists, they were a source of constant creative inspiration for them.
V. Stekolshchikov. Evening call, evening Bell. 80x100. 2011
V. Stekolshchikov. Day of the Holy Trinity. 60x70. 1989
V. Stekolshchikov. Everyday life of Borisogleb. 100x120. 2000
The name of Vyacheslav Stekolshchikov, an artist of a wide creative range, is well known to lovers of modern painting. He was born in Moscow in 1938. Since 1964 - Member of the USSR Union of Artists. At the end of the 80s, V. Stekolshchikov headed the Russian Painting creative association, which included a large group of like-minded artists. According to V. Stekolshchikov, in Russia there is a stable community of artists devoted to the academic school who find in realism not only the criteria of high skill, but also a deeper aesthetic form for self-expression. Participants of the exhibition with their submitted works express their conviction that the creative method of realism, which preserves the traditions of the Russian classical school of painting, is a vibrant, modern artistic language that can convey the most complex feelings and shades of the world around us. Together with his son A. Stekolshchikov, he took an active part in the painting of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Having chosen the difficult path of continuing the traditions of the Russian realistic school, the artist considers it important to preserve in his paintings what makes Russian painting recognizable in a wide range of contemporary art.
The works of V. Stekolshchikov are marked by many professional awards, are in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the largest art museums in Russia, in galleries and private collections.
Mlada Finogenova was born in Moscow in a family of artists in 1941. Since 1969 he is a member of the USSR Union of Artists. M. Finogenova - a bright representative of the Russian school of fine art. In contemporary Russian art, her work occupies a special place, which is determined by the rare quality of the artist to see beauty in the old way of provincial life and pass it on to the viewer. The exposition presents lyrical landscapes, interiors of the Russian house and genre paintings. The artist carefully treats what shaped the appearance of the Russian house; she fills her paintings - interiors with objects that surrounded the life of every family in the recent past. The author’s interested attitude to the texture of the subject world conveys a special charm and warmth to her works, gives the perception of home and nature an emotional sound. The tone-harmonized coloristic solution is an integral part of the image of the quietly flowing life of the inhabitants of this place. On the canvases of the artist - a return to the roots, a well-established being for centuries, not affected by modernization. Preservation of this positive life is an urgent need in our troubled age.
The artist’s works are in the Tretyakov Gallery, in the Museum of Rostov the Great and in other Russian museums, galleries, in Russian and foreign private collections.
Finogenova M.K. White nights in Borisogleb. 2012 89.5x89.8
Finogenova M.K. Honey Spas. 1989 50x70
Finogenova M.K. Bright day 1995 65x80.
Anton Stekolshchikov was born in Moscow in a family of artists in 1967. Since 1993 - Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. The main theme of A. Stekolshchikov’s work is the reviving Russia, the life of its small towns, among which the ancient Borisogleb occupies a special place. It is from the hinterland, in his conviction, that the revival of the country will begin. In his work, the artist develops the theme of a philosophical landscape-picture, through which he tries to convey to the viewer that emotional pain and involvement in the fates of his homeland and people that have long been disturbed by more than one generation of people of art.
Creativity of the author is noted by many diplomas, prizes and medals, earned the love of the viewer. Works are in museums and private collections in Russia, the CIS and foreign countries.
Artists are full of creative plans, which they will certainly share with the audience at their future exhibitions.
The exhibition is open on October 18.
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