Leonardo da Vinci - Antonio Vivaldi
Automatic translate
19 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday, March 19, 6 p.m.
Duration - 80 minutes.
Pictures are motionless. But, sometimes, enthusiastically frozen before the creation of a genius, we are surprised to see that the artist did not stop the moment, but… sent him to eternity. Image on canvas - as if… breathing. It seems that the famous smile of Gioconda is about to turn into rampant laughter… Or, maybe… on the contrary - a shadow of sorrow will come upon this, such a mysterious face? We suggest imagining with us, reviving the great canvases of Leonardo da Vinci. Extend the interrupted movement, finish the familiar angle. And do it to the music of another great Italian. The miracle of animated paintings and picturesque sound images. Sounds Antonio Vivaldi - it is his colorful visibility, like no one else, surprisingly in harmony with the melody of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings.
Laureates of international competitions
Tatyana Lanskaya soprano
Anastasia Sidelnikova organ
Khosrov Manukyan Armenian duduk
Leonid Drutin saxophone
Evdokia Ionina violin
Chamber Orchestra Instrumental Chapel
Artistic director -
Honored Artist of Russia,
Chief Chorus Master of the Mariinsky Theater Andrei Petrenko
Program: A. Vivaldi - "Seasons"
T. Albinoni - Adagio
JS Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Venue: Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Starosadsky per., 7, M. "Kitay-Gorod")
For more information and to buy a ticket, go to www.belcantofund.com
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