Leo Levkovich "LEO" 0+
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с 2 по 28 Апреля
Творческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Artist’s Workshop", 3rd floor.
We are ready to present you one of the most socially significant projects of the Museum. Leo Levkovich is a nine-year-old boy whose resounding creative career Artmuza launches with his first solo exhibition "LEO". Further, from the words of Olesya, the artist’s mother:
“Leo is my son. This is our third child. At the age of four, he still did not speak and behaved strangely, which I did not immediately notice because of my busyness. I didn’t know anything about autism until I was told that Lenya was autistic. I went through all the stages of parents who find out that their child is sick.
We learned to read and speak. I wrote a word, and he drew it and pronounced it to remember. Then they wrote phrases and drew them again, then stories. He liked the tactile sensations of mixing paints and bending the canvas under the pressure of the brush. Once, during a pandemic, I showed him the video "The Secret of La Gioconda" about Leonardo. He jumped up and said he wanted to draw her. And then it started…
The first works on canvas were very simple. And absolutely everything started with a blue background. Only by painting over the hostile white plane, he gets rid of the fear of a "blank slate" and here his real reality begins.
Now I am telling him about the new heroes. I print out the portrait, and he draws them and remembers them that way. We never know what exactly will be on his canvas. He just sits down and draws merrily.
When I watch what he does, I am surprised and admired. Painting for a special person is the meaning of life and one’s own realization. "
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