Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Evgeny Rozanov"
Automatic translate
13 Апреля
Государственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
Inclusive program of the State Museum of Architecture.
Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language.
Attendance of lectures for hearing-impaired and deaf visitors - according to a free lecture ticket, upon presentation of the relevant documents.
April 13, 2022, Wednesday, 19:00. Evgeny Rozanov.
Evgeny Rozanov is one of the iconic masters of the architecture of Soviet modernism. During his twenty years of work at the Central Research Institute for the Experimental Design of Spectacular Buildings and Sports Facilities, he built many facilities throughout the entire USSR. Among them are the ensemble of the central square and the museum in Tashkent, theaters in Orel, Khabarovsk, Kursk, the Yuzhny sanatorium in Crimea and many others. Rozanov said that if he had not been an architect, he would have become a sculptor, and this sculptural, almost tangible plasticity of architectural forms runs like a red thread through all his work.
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