Lecture "The Image of a Woman in the Mirror of Times" Automatic translate
7 Марта
Отдел Сибирского искусства Иркутского областного художественного музея
ул. Карла Маркса, 23
March 7 at 14.00 - lecture "The image of a woman in the mirror of time." Female beauty is a subjective and relative concept, in each of the eras there was its own standard of female beauty and its own idea of the image of an ideal woman. What kind of ladies did the great artists of the past capture on their canvases? We learn at the lecture.
Entrance according to the excursion price list.
- Veranstaltungen der Woche im Irkutsk Art Museum
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- Themenführung "Meister und Werkstatt"
- "World through the eyes of Russian artists" is shown in the Yelagin Palace
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.