Automatic translate
1 Февраля
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
February 01, 13.00.
People at all times looked at the sky, at birds and dreamed someday, too, to take to the air.
The ancient myths of different peoples tell us this. Then, with the development of technology and science, many scientists and thinkers sought to come up with devices for moving through the air.
But this conversation will not be dedicated to people who have brought human flight closer, but to those who have expressed their ideas and dreams about flying in the visual arts. In this work, we will talk about sculptors and artists who transferred their dreams to paper, canvas and metal. Based on the achievements of science and technology, they came up with something new and unusual. And, perhaps, they inspired designers and engineers to create completely different, nothing like aircraft. The curator of the exhibition “Will you fly away?” Fly away! ”Tatyana Krol in her author’s lecture.
The audience is children from 10 years old and adults.
For tickets to the exhibition - 100 and 50 rubles. If you have a school card - admission is free.
- For the first time in Russia, the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya presented the play by the American playwright Rabbit Hole
- Alexander Vertinsky. "Where are you now …". 6+
- Valery Krol. 6+
- “Puerto Rican Obituary” by Pedro Pietri
- “Lilac Girls” by Martha Hall Kelly
- Play - EASY! -2. Authoring objects from the details of the constructor "Lego"