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11 Марта
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
MARCH 11 17:00
Lecturer: Victor Sutormin, writer, local historian, one of the most famous tour guides in Moscow.
What language do the monuments speak with us? Which monument could stand on the site of the Mausoleum, and which one really stood there? What was the “Leninist plan of monumental propaganda”? Why are the most interesting projects win competitions rarely?..
You will hear about this and much more at the lecture of Viktor Sutormin, a writer, local historian and one of the most famous tour guides in Moscow. The author of the books “Around the Kremlin and Kitay Gorod” and “On Both Sides of the Arbat, or Three Houses of Margarita” will tell about the history of creation and the fate of many sculptural monuments of Moscow - famous and little-known, long destroyed and existing in our days. You will see rare archival photographs and be able to ask your questions.
Cost: 200 and 150 rubles
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