Lecture by the American historian, professor of Slavic studies, writer William Broomfield
Automatic translate
30 Марта
Пермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
March 30 at 18:30 in the Perm Gallery at the exhibition of wooden sculpture, William Broomfield will give a lecture "Features of wooden architecture through the eyes of an American scientist."
The lecture will focus on the artistic interpretation of the wooden architecture of the Russian north.
You will have a rare opportunity to get acquainted with the view of a person of a different culture on what is often underestimated and undeservedly forgotten by us - wooden monuments of church and civil architecture of Russia.
William is fluent in Russian, so you should not worry about the language barrier.
Entrance to the lecture on gallery tickets.
William Kraft Brumfield - American historian, professor of Slavic studies, writer, recognized specialist in the history of Russian architecture. William Brumfield’s photographs on Russian architecture, totaling more than 170,000, are part of the National Archives Gallery (Washington DC) and the Library of Congress.
In 2000, Broomfield was awarded the Guggenheim Prize in the humanities. Since 2002, Broomfield is a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, and since 2006 - an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.