"Larisa Golubkina. Patches"
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On May 19, at 18:00, the premiere of the rehearsal performance “Larisa Golubkina. Patches. " Confession of the “star” of the theater in the form of a conversation with playwright Rodion Beletsky - answers to uncomfortable questions, memories, live improvisation and songs from the extensive repertoire of Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov.
Two people from different generations - the People’s Artist of Russia and the playwright, lead a performance with different outlooks on life and different life experiences. He asks provocative questions, she answers, tells, trying to sort out her doubts, to answer to herself and the audience what moments of life we are overgrown with complexes, peculiar “patches” of.
Perhaps this is the influence of society. In the harsh post-war years, when Larisa was still a child, it was not customary to praise children and compliment women. Parents lived on the principle of "uncomfortable bulging." All personal victories and achievements were examined under a microscope and criticized. “Eat romances?” Our whole village is singing. ” The fact that close people are proud of you could be understood only from a casual conversation.
Perhaps these conventions, the so-called “patches,” arose in the family. The father, a professional military man, colonel, was against his daughter becoming an actress. Shurochka Azarova - the first role in the "Hussar Ballad", absorbed the modesty of Larisa herself, while reflecting those hussar features that she saw in her own father.
The marriage with Andrei Mironov, which lasted 14 years, triumphant roles in the cinema, dozens of years of work in the theater, the title of Honored, and then People’s Artist… And all the same, eternal doubts, torment: “Is it all important that we attach such deep meaning? "
“Larisa Ivanovna will be the usual Golubkina, as she is used to seeing, but most of this performance is the new Golubkina, which no one else knows. Of course, viewers will hear a lot about Mironov, and about the “Hussar Ballad”, and about important meetings, ups and downs in personal and theatrical life, but from a different angle. Something in this performance will depend on the audience. Let them prepare for new sensations, ”says Rodion Beletsky. The performance will make the viewer look at their own lives from the side, overestimate a lot, and maybe free themselves from their old "patches".
Larisa Golubkina - People’s Artist of Russia Larisa Golubkina
Dramatist - Rodion Beletsky
Musician - Alexander Sariev
Production group:
Stage Director: Harold Strelkov
Set Designer: Petr Shmelev