"Labyrinth 2020"
Automatic translate
с 29 Сентября
по 13 ОктябряГалерея “Нико”
Большой Тишинский пер., 19, стр. 1
This is a new musical, multimedia and art project with an exhibition of curator TI Paleeva. The project was prepared in collaboration with composer Sergei Zhukov and ATTS STUDIO video artists Alena Telpukhovskaya and Tatiana Grudko with the support of the Niko Gallery. The evening will be hosted by musicologist, doctor of art history and leading expert of the Association of Contemporary Music Rauf Farhadov.
Participants in the exhibition: Diana Vouba, Alexander Yulikov, Alexander Pankin, Tatiana Faydysh and Natalia Zarovnaya.

The musical range of the project… directly appeals to the idea of a labyrinth with a search for a way out, wanderings, dead ends, turns, returns to the beginning, the breakdown of new paths. And in each of the three plays of the same name - "Labyrinth" by Sergey Zhukov, "Labyrinth" by Donna Eastman and "Labyrinth" by Joe Spork - these labyrinthine collisions are felt literally with their own eyes. Hence the insolubility of the mystery question: is the labyrinth an exit into nothing, an eternal dead end, the senselessness of a search, or, after all, movement and the acquisition of light and freedom? And the fact that these “labyrinthine” pieces begin and end the entire musical “action”, as well as sound interludes between other musical opuses, gives rise to the effect of a certain “hidden semantics”, “second storyline” and a special geometry of musical sounds. R. Farkhadov
At first, the name of the project was associated only with a cycle of musical pieces by Sergei Zhukov, Donna Eastman and Joe Spork, where the notes were formally inscribed in the figure of the labyrinth. Much later, associations arose with the first exhibition of free youth art associations in 1988 "Labyrinth", Moscow, Moscow Youth Palace).
The main idea of the new project is based on the thoughts of A. Blok, expressed at the beginning of the last century about the synthetic nature of Russian culture, about the "inseparability" of painting, music, prose, poetry and their close connection with philosophy, religion, social life and even politics. From the article by A. Blok about the acmeists "Without a deity, without inspiration" (Workshop of acmeists), 1921
Vitaly Patsyukov, in his article for the booklet of the 1988 exhibition “Exit from the Maze” (Hamburg), especially noted the foundations of the diversity of independent art groups and associations of the 1980s, in which the traditional synthesis of arts is hidden under the guise of “pure painting”…
These features of the Russian national tradition are presented in the project "Labyrinth 2020" by a combination of visual arts and new classical music of the XX-XXI centuries. By musical and artistic means, they reveal a whole layer of philosophical and metaphysical problems hidden behind simple forms of "geometric" abstraction. The participants of the "Labyrinth" in 1988 were Alexander Pankin and Alexander Yulikov, who consider themselves the heirs of the Russian avant-garde and K. Malevich.
Tatyana Faydysh belongs to the later generation of the 80s, which is sometimes called the "silent generation". She managed to take part in the exhibition "Labyrinth" (1988) and in the exhibition and auction of the same name in Hamburg.

Graphic artist Natalya Zarovnaya has been engaged in traditional etching for many years, using either the technique of mixed etching or collage, working with different types of paper.

Diana Vouba works in "geometric" abstraction, believing that she "… encourages the search for new - eternal beauty in the ordering of geometric forms, contrary to the accepted belief that the truth of art lies beyond symmetry." (2010-2011)

"EAST MEETS WEST GALLERY" invites you to a unique event-concert and exhibition "Labyrinth 2020"
The exhibition is open at the Niko Gallery on the 4th floor from September 29 to October 13, 2020
Daily from 14.00 to 19.00 (by appointment). Free admission.
Call Elena: 8-968-470-58-11 or paleeva@emwgallery.com
- “How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines” by Thomas C. Foster
- Acmeism, Futurism and Symbolism
- “Requiem” by Anna Akhmatova
- Exhibition Plan of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts for February 2015
- Personal exhibition of works by correspondent member RAX TATIANA FAYDYSH
- "Three artists: V.A. Drezina, N.O. Tolstaya, T.A. Faidysh" Painting. Abstraction