Creative photography course for children Winter Magic ArtPhoto Classes
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с 2 по 6 Января
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер
Болотная набережная, 3, стр. 1
On New Year’s holidays Lumiere Brothers invites you to an intensive weekly course of creative photography for children Winter Magic ArtPhoto Classes. Magical winter creative photography classes will be held from 02.01 to 01.06.2017.
In the New Year holidays and holidays, magic happens. And we had the opportunity to offer you an intensive week-long course of creative photography for children in the space of the Center for Photography named after Lumiere brothers. The place is inspiring! The strength of any task. We are faced with the following: to master the basic skills of using the camera, learn to shoot in customizable modes, and also immerse yourself in creativity, feel the color and shape, tell a story in a collage, “freeze” the light and fix the material to the final “photo party”. In general, spend time with good sense and pleasure! Daily meetings and teamwork contribute to a complete immersion in the learning process. The place sets the scene. Classes involve the gradual development of basic technical settings in the camera, viewing photographs and practical exercises to consolidate the material. Each day is accompanied by a little homework. For classes, we need a camera with customizable shooting modes, notebook, pen, flash card and good mood.
“Like any other fine art, photography requires attention and immersion, effort and patience, keenness of feelings, vigilance of the eye and openness of the heart. As Henri Cartier-Bresson wrote, in order to “attach importance” to the world, you need to feel involved in what you see in the viewfinder. And let what you see be amazing and exciting! ”- Maria Bystrova, photographer, teacher of the course“ Winter Magic ArtPhoto Classes ”
Course program
Day 1: Arsenal of the photographer. What you need for shooting. What cameras are and what are they for. Camera device, shooting modes, lens types. We will discuss how to shoot depending on the shooting task, what the camera in the phone is capable of (pluses and minuses), how the camera is arranged, and also we analyze the minimum necessary set of shooting modes. The camera will be needed from the first lesson. Sensation of color. How do we perceive color. What characteristics he possesses and what sensations he conveys. We look, look, shoot.
Day 2: What is photography? Media trip to the world of photography. Talk about what photography is. We will answer questions why not all photos should be “beautiful”, why photography is used in the modern world, consider the genres of photography and talk about their differences and functions. Sensation of form. What is the form and what does it personify. Elements of composition. We consider and remove.
Day 3: Frame space. Collage: review, discussion, ideas, composition. Frame structure. Photography as a ready-made material for creativity! Meet the collages in art. What is it and how is it done? We look at the pictures. And create your own unique work, composed of fragments of different images. Cut, overlay and “photographically” glue! Each participant will create his own masterpiece.
Day 4: Freezelight or “Frozen Light”: an introduction to shooting techniques. Camera settings that allow you to “freeze light”. Exposure, ISO. Shooting with a tripod. A lesson in “practical magic” with a camera and a flashlight in a dark room. We look at the pictures, remember the technology. We get acquainted with the concept of exposure. We shoot! You can’t do without a team, all participants will be involved in the shooting.
Day 5: PhotoParty. Summarizing. Portfolio review. Collective portrait as a keepsake.
About the author:
Maria Bystrova is a professional photographer, author of programs and a teacher of photography. Works in the genres of art, fashion, portrait, art reporting.
First group: 11.30 (collection) - 15.00
The second group: 15.00 (collection) - 18.30
The number of participants in the group is 10 people.
- Common place
- III Biennale of black and white photography MFamilia
- Practical Photography Course for Teens "The Art of Seeing"
- Summer practical photography course for schoolchildren