"Cultural bridge:
from the past to the present"
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с 18 Сентября
по 21 ОктябряГосударственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Institute of Archeology RAS
ARCHE Cultural and Educational Center
Research Institute of Energy and Transport "ENERGOTRANSPROEKT"
State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Schuseva
Present an educational exhibition project
“Cultural bridge: from the past to the present”
General partner: Russian Railways
Information partner: ARCH Cultural and Educational Center
in the building of the Pharmaceutical Order of the Museum of Architecture
State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva and the Research Institute of Energy and Transport "ENERGOTRANSPROEKT" present an interactive archaeological exhibition "Cultural Bridge: From the Past to the Present", dedicated to the history and archeology of the regions of southern Russia.
For the first time, visitors will be presented with unique archaeological finds discovered in recent years in the construction zone of railway and energy pipelines in the Southern Federal District. The basis of the exposition will be the most interesting and significant artifacts of different eras and cultures, discovered as a result of archaeological security and rescue operations and research of dozens of mounds and settlements.
Russia arose and developed over the years as a multinational state, in which the process of mutual penetration and mixing of cultures of different peoples was constantly going on. The southern regions are part of the backbone of the Old Russian state of the 9th – 10th centuries along the water trade arteries of the Northern Black Sea region (the Don and Kuban rivers). Having passed from the Bronze Age through the culture of antiquity to the Middle Ages, the visitor will form a complete picture of the peoples who inhabited the lands of the Crimean Peninsula, the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory.
In the south of Russia, such peoples as Greeks, Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, Khazars, Vikings, etc. left a cultural mark. Special attention will be given to historical reconstructions of the appearance of the people who made up these peoples. Costumes of different eras and cultures inhabiting the territory of the Southern Federal District will be presented.
The exposition will be organized according to the chronological principle of cultural interchange - from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. Visitors will be able to see not only the objects themselves, but also modern research methods in archeology, the process of restoration and 3D reconstruction of artifacts.
Special attention is paid to the accompanying video materials that tell about the history of the exhibits, the methods of work of modern archaeologists, restorers and geophysicists. The exhibition will be accompanied by interactive areas where you can see the reconstruction of the military burial, try your hand at archery and see an animated historical map.
The exhibition is part of a comprehensive educational program that focuses on different age groups. In September and October, anyone can listen to lectures from leading archaeologists near the full-size reconstruction of the barrow mound. A special course of interactive lectures on the history of Russia and the world will be organized for children. The exposition includes a program for people with disabilities - labels in Braille and casts of individual exhibits.
Website of the exhibition and educational project: www.cultmost.ru