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The Hamburg hosts the Cultural Program of St. Petersburg, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of twinning relations between our cities. On September 1, a meeting of the official delegation of St. Petersburg was held at the Tchaikovsky House, which was presented by Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Sergey Movchan, Chairman of the Committee on Culture Eduard Sukhenko and artistic director of the Cultural Program, director and art director of the St. Petersburg State Drama Theater "Comedy Shelter" Victor Minkov. From the side of Hamburg, the meeting was attended by members of the Coordination Council of Russian compatriots of Hamburg and its chairman Boris Zilberberg, representatives of the cultural and educational community, Russian-German society, the Russian Orthodox Church, WWII veterans and residents of besieged Leningrad. During the meeting, the official opening of the exhibition-exposition of the young St. Petersburg photographer Ivan Chernykh “Petersburg. Moments History ”, which will last until September 9th.
The next day, September 2, in Kulturkirche Altona, the official opening of the Cultural Program of St. Petersburg in Hamburg took place. Before the gala concert of the stars of the St. Petersburg opera, which was held at a full house, the Chairman of the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg Konstantin Sukhenko, President of the Constitutional Court of Hamburg Friedrich-Joachim Mehmel and artistic director of the Cultural Program of St. Petersburg in Hamburg Viktor Minkov spoke.
Konstantin Sukhenko:
"Dear friends! For 60 years, our cities have been linked not only by twin cities, but by very special relations. This is a historical proximity - Peter visited here, here Peter studied and accepted experience on how to build a new Russia. And to this day, we are connected by many human, business, cultural threads and every day, living in St. Petersburg, we feel this connection and enjoy it. Today we brought the young culture of St. Petersburg, a new generation. And if you look at the orchestra, and in total today 50 artists will perform in front of you today, then you will see that during the creation of one of the youngest orchestras in St. Petersburg. This is today and tomorrow in St. Petersburg culture. We look to the future, think about it and want to be with you in this future. And we really hope that you will enjoy today’s concert and that it will not be a protocol, but a very warm, sincere human memory and will remain so for each of those present here. Thank".
Friedrich-Joachim Mehmel:
“First of all, I would like to thank and greet the stars of tonight. Thank you for coming. Being the President of the Constitutional Court of Hamburg and one of the 3 constitutional bodies of this city, it is a great honor for me to be here today and to open this event. This is especially nice because I was in St. Petersburg during the German week in April this year. Touching on politics, I believe that such issues as Crimea, economic sanctions, the situation in Syria - all this should only help us strengthen our contacts at various levels, including cultural. Therefore, I am especially pleased that there are activities such as this. And I think that we, the Hamburgers, should be grateful to St. Petersburg for this twinning. In 1957, when these relations began thanks to the city of Leningrad, the German government reacted to this with considerable skepticism. After the Second World War and all that Germany did, I believe that this was a very important step. And now I am very glad that Hamburg and St. Petersburg maintain such warm contacts at all levels, including cultural. Thank you so much".
Victor Minkov:
“In addition to the gala concert that we are opening today, as part of the Cultural Program of St. Petersburg in Hamburg from September 3 to 9 there is an exhibition of the wonderful St. Petersburg photographer Ivan Chernykh in the Tchaikovsky Hall. And I am very pleased that he is with us today. Dear friends! I wish you a pleasant evening and with great joy I represent the stars of the St. Petersburg opera Tauride Orchestra under the direction of Mikhail Golikov. "
The concert program, accompanied by the Tauride International Symphony Orchestra, led by the main conductor - People’s Artist of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria Mikhail Golikov, was attended by laureates of international competitions, owners of prestigious music awards, opera soloists of the leading musical theaters of St. Petersburg: Alexander Trofimov of the Academy of Young Opera Singers Mariinsky Theater, Dmitry Karpov, Marina Tregubovich and Natalya Mironova of the St. Petersburg State Academic Theater and opera and ballet. Mussorgsky - Mikhailovsky Theater, Damir Zakirov and Evgenia Kravchenko of the St. Petersburg State Chamber Musical Theater "St. Petersburg Opera", Roman Arndt and Olga Shurshina of the St. Petersburg State Children’s Musical Theater "Looking Glass". The concert was opened by the Tauride Orchestra, performing a piece by Pyotr Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Skomorokhov” from music to the play by A. N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden”. Further, the soloists performed the works of Sergei Rachmaninov, Giacomo Puccini, Giuseppe Verdi, Gaetano Donizetti, Johann Strauss and others. For "encore" the soloists of all theaters performed Alexander Churkin’s "Evening Song" to the music of Vasily Solovyov-Sedy.