Cultural program of St. Petersburg, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska
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From May 17 to May 31, 2017 in the capital of the Republika Srpska - Banja Luka, the Cultural Program of St. Petersburg will be held, which will present musical, artistic, drama events and provide the audience with a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of the Northern capital of Russia.
May 17 - 31
The State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg will present a detailed panorama of the life of St. Petersburg, covering the time interval from the 18th century to the present. Visitors can see the city, captured by engravers, painters and photographers of the past. A detailed curriculum vitae is attached to the copies of the images for each period of the formation of St. Petersburg - the foundation of the city, revolutionary events, pre-war Leningrad, the time of the blockade and the return of the city to its historical name.
Venue: People’s and University Library of Republika Srpska
(Banja Luka, Jewish street, 30)
May 17 - 31
The memorial museum of defense and blockade of Leningrad will present photographs of the blockade period from Leningrad 1941 – 1944, made by war correspondents of the Leningrad branch of TASS, the Sovinformburo (Soviet Information Bureau), newspaper editions and photographs from the private collection of M. Yu. Karisalov. Photos annotated excerpts from diaries and memoirs of Leningrad residents, some of which are stored in the museum’s collection.
May 17, 18:00 - on the day of the official opening of the exhibition “Leningrad’s Blockade in Photographs”, the string quartet “Capella” of the Symphony Orchestra of the State Academic Capella of St. Petersburg will perform.
Venue: Republika Srpska Museum
(Banja Luka, 1 Djure Danichicha)
May 17, 20:00
Petersburg stars of opera and ballet
The concert program will be attended by soloists of the St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theater. Leonid Yakobson led by Honored Artist of Russia Andrian Fadeev and talented musicians, laureates of international and national competitions, winners of prestigious music awards, soloists of the State Chamber Musical Theater "St. Petersburg Opera".
Venue: Children’s Theater of Republika Srpska
(Banja Luka, st. Dzhure Danichicha, 1)
May 18, 12:00 and 18:00
Puppet circus performance
The performance for children and parents in one action will show the St. Petersburg State Puppet Theater named after E. S. Demmeni is the first professional state puppet theater in Russia. A bright puppet show consists of individual numbers using all kinds of tricks and effects with elements of parody, absurdity, lyrics, a side view of human capabilities, hobbies and entertainment. To "revive" the performance, and even more vivid, contrasting perception of puppets, this production involves live mime clowns who play reprises between puppet numbers.
Venue: Children’s Theater of Republika Srpska
(Banja Luka, st. Dzhure Danichicha, 1)
May 19, 20, 18:00 and 21:00
Screening of the film studio "Lenfilm"
The oldest film company in Russia, created on the basis of the Military Cinematography Department of the Skobelev Committee in 1914, will show the work of modern directors: “Bird” (director Ksenia Baskakova), “Contribution” (director Sergey Snezhkin), “Fans” (director Vitaly Melnikov) and “ Three days before spring ”(director Alexander Kasatkin). After the screenings, a discussion will take place in which the filmmakers will take part.
Venue: Youth House
(Banja Luka, 1 Djure Danichicha)
With the assistance of:
Representation of the Republika Srpska in the Russian Federation.
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