Culture vs. Terrorism
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с 5 Сентября
по 6 ОктябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
The opening of the exhibition of the winners of the Interregional Art Poster Competition “Culture Against Terrorism” took place at the Information, Educational and Exhibition Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenin St.).
The exhibition is dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, which is celebrated annually in our country on September 3. This memorable date is established by the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia" and is associated with the tragic events when 10 years ago, on September 1, 2004, in the city of Beslan, militants seized one of the city’s schools. As a result of the terrorist attack in school No. 1, more than three hundred and thirty people died, including more than 150 children. These tragic events shocked the entire world.

In order to effectively counter the terrorist threat, so that trouble does not knock on our doors, not only representatives of law enforcement and administrative authorities, but also cultural institutions should be involved in preventive work.
Art is created by people and for people. As a special kind of human activity, it always comes into contact with society, touches upon the interests, values and problems of the individual, reacts to the events of individual or social existence, and delivers its verdict on the surrounding reality. That is why art has always played and plays a significant ideological, educational and upbringing role in relation to man, making him aesthetically, intellectually and morally superior.
The exhibition displays 20 works by the winners of the Second Interregional Art Poster Competition “Culture Against Terrorism”, organized by the I. S. Turgenev Library and Reading Room, the Moscow Encyclopedia Foundation and the REVERberation art project as part of activities aimed at preventing the ideology of terrorism and extremism through culture.
The depth and courage in delving into complex themes, the precision, and sometimes the unexpectedness of artistic solutions speak of the concern of our talented youth, first of all in the choice of moral and ethical guidelines, a clear civic position, and an understanding of responsibility to their homeland.
The exhibition itself, as well as the preparatory work carried out, were highly appreciated by the general public. In 2023, the Poster Competition "Culture against Terrorism" and the work of the organizers were awarded the gold medal of the International Art Excellence Awards "Art. Perfection. Recognition"
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