CULTURE FOR CITIZENS - program of the Department of Culture of Moscow at the St. Petersburg Culture Forum
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The Department of Culture of the Government of Moscow will present its program at the III St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum. The most important representatives of modern Russian culture will discuss the future culture of the metropolis and the main directions of its development on the example of what has already been done and what remains to be done.
The CULTURE FOR CITIZEN program is a kind of digest based on the results of the 1st Moscow international forum Culture. A look into the future ”, which was held in October 2014. It became the first large-scale platform for discussing the prospects for the development of the city’s culture and the development of an effective urban cultural policy. The organizers and participants of the forum are convinced that urban culture is a spectrum of opportunities, not limitations. Its main figure is the citizen himself. And the task of the authorities is to ensure the quality, diversity and accessibility of cultural property and new services.
"CULTURE EVERYWHERE" : in the lobby of the Alexandrinsky Theater everyone can listen to the discussions of the most important representatives of modern Russian culture - those who come up with and implement the new cultural policy of the two capitals. Public talks will succeed one another non-stop.
"CULTURE FOR EVERYONE" : a parallel program will be held in the media room - there you can get acquainted with the most successful Moscow practices - from the cultural program of parks and the restart of regional libraries to new formats of city holidays and the appearance of museums on the streets of the city.
"CULTURE OUTSIDE THE WALLS" : in the training room, the Moscow "Center for Documentary Cinema" will stage an open film screening of one of the hits of world documentary on the new cultural life of cities. And in the media hall you can watch the preview of the large exhibition of video art of young artists "Great Expectations", which will open in late December in the Moscow Manege and the media from the collection of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
“BOOKS IN THE CITY: MOSCOW” : a collection of books and souvenirs from leading Moscow publishing houses and cultural institutions. In the bookstore on the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, it will be possible to purchase Moscow art souvenirs from Heart of Moscow, Humpty Dumpty and MoskVazbuka and the latest news from Moscow publishing houses devoted to urban studies and culture, as well as books devoted to history, identity and the future of Moscow. In particular, “Ad Marginem”, “Strelka”, books of publishing programs of the Government of Moscow, “Museum of Moscow”, CEH “Manege”, and “Moscow Museum of Modern Art” will come to St. Petersburg.
The program of public talks and presentations of Moscow cultural practices
“Culture as a driver of urban development”
18:00 -19: 00, Foyer, Press Center Hall
Minister of Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Culture of Moscow, Sergey Kapkov, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Alexander Auzan and the culturologist, chief editor of the magazine “Art of Cinema” Daniil Dondurey will talk about how culture is becoming an important industry in the urban economy and how the priorities of the cultural policy of the metropolis are determined. One of the important topics of the conversation is what types of new cultural industries are becoming the most promising for the urban economy and how, thanks to the culture, it is possible to develop the outskirts of the big city. At the end of the discussion, participants will be able to ask a question from the audience. The conversation was moderated by Nika Strizhak, documentary filmmaker and television presenter of Channel 5.
Public talks with representatives of the urban culture of Moscow and St. Petersburg
19: 00-21: 00, Foyer, press room hall
Discussions of representatives of different cultural poles of the two capitals - from literature and music, to urban studies, television and cinema. A 40-minute conversation on each topic will be moderated by employees of leading Moscow and St. Petersburg editorial offices. The discussions are planned in the form of one-on-one: two professionals who belong to the same creative field, but with different views on the issue, discuss how urban culture is changing and what its future will be like.
"Culture of public spaces"
Oleg Shapiro, the author of large Moscow projects to transform the city’s appearance, the head of the Wowhaus bureau and Mikhail Leikin, architect and artist, and the MishMash group will talk about new types of cultural spaces. It will be about how the city became a platform for culture and art, and everyone liked it. Moderator - Alisa Prudnikova, curator of the festival "Contemporary Art in a Traditional Museum".
"City VS TV"
The Minister of Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Culture of Moscow Sergey Kapkov, one of the most influential producers of Russia Alexander Rodnyansky will discuss the confrontation between urban culture and television - can reformatted upon request of modern consumers and libraries, museums and parks seize the right to form a cultural agenda from such a powerful and a mass information conductor like television, and is there a platform for cooperation between the city and TV. The moderator is Daniil Trabun, editor-in-chief of Afisha magazine.
The artistic director of the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre Boris Yukhananov and the chief director of the Praktika theater Ivan Vyrypaev will talk about what a documentary theater is, how it reflects reality, and what brings theater and media together.
"New language of the city"
Maxim Krongauz, linguist scientist, best-selling author of the Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Albanian’s self-instruction, will talk with writer, editor-in-chief of the Free Press portal and twice the National Bestseller Prize winner Sergei Shargunov on how the literary language responds to cultural processes in society, why slang is increasingly included in works of art and how the increasing media of the city’s life affects the reader’s perception. The main issue of discussion is whether literature should follow the reader, or should the reader stick to the language of literature?
“Music of a new culture”
Avant-garde composers Vladimir Rannev and Dmitry Kurlyandsky, musical director of the Stanislavsky Electrotheatra, will discuss new forms of the presence of music in urban space - from festivals to side-specific musical works. They will also talk about innovative musical forms in theater and cinema and the return of composers to the active life of the city. The discussion was moderated by journalist Ksenia Chudinova, Snob.
"Cultural practices for citizens"
18:00 - 21:00, Media Hall
Under the theme “Culture for All”, the team of the Moscow Department of Culture and Moscow cultural institutions will present their most successful practices in working with various audiences.
“New parks for citizens”: Marina Lyulchuk, director of the MosGorPark Joint Directorate and director of the ArchPolis project center Sergey Georgievsky will talk about how the modern infrastructure of parks transforms the face of the city and turns them into new cultural centers.
“Creative education as a driver for the development of human capital”: Ekaterina Kalachikova, director of the center for educational programs at the Department of Culture of Moscow, curator of the project “Night of Music” and Anastasia Mityushina, director of educational programs at the Center for Contemporary Culture “Garage” will discuss how to influence intellectual preferences and shape the needs of society through creative education.
“Moscow Centers for a New Visual Culture” Elizaveta Fokina, Director of the 1st Moscow International Forum “Culture. A look into the future ”, the director of the Moscow Exhibition Halls association, and curator and artist Katya Bochavar, creative director of the Sand Pond and Ground Khodynka, will talk about decentralization and reprogramming of the Moscow exhibition halls network outside the Garden Ring, made possible by new cultural policy of the city.
“Programs for the modernization of cultural centers and libraries”: One of the main enthusiasts of the Moscow library movement, director of the “MGBC” Boris Kupriyanov and director of the “ZIL Cultural Center” Elena Melville - about how the “reset” of libraries and cultural centers managed to make them new places of power Moscow and attract citizens of all ages, wealth and interests.
“The museum is losing its temper: high culture in urban space”: Director of the Bulgakov Museum Pyotr Mansilla-Cruz and director of the Music Festival on Patriarch Ponds Elena Revich will talk about why museum culture takes to the streets and why it is necessary for the development of the city.
“New consumption culture”: Alena Sologub, director of the Center for Cultural Initiatives of New Moscow and Andrei Helmiza, general producer of the 1st Moscow International Forum “Culture. A look into the future ", director of the program" Bookabytes. Books in the City ”will discuss how the market for intellectual consumption is changing and how cafes, bookstores and new souvenirs can help cultural institutions become part of everyday city life.
“Citizens and their cultural practices: how has the cultural demand changed?”: Natalya Fishman, deputy director of the Moscow Institute of Social and Cultural Programs and Olga Polishchuk, director of the project “What does Moscow want?” Will present the results of studies of the urban environment and cultural needs of residents of the metropolis and discuss how it can affect change programs in the city.
Film screening of the "Center for Documentary Cinema"
19: 00-22: 00, Training room
The Documentary Cinema Center, the main Moscow institution in the field of non-fiction films and the only Russian documentary cinema, will stage the premiere of the film Inside Out in St. Petersburg by French artist JR, first shown at the last Tribeca Film Festival. The monetary award for the TED award (Technology Entertainment Design, an award for "desire to change the world ") allowed the artist to create a project that brought together more than two hundred thousand people. The artist turned their personal messages, photographs, ideas on how to make the world a better place into public art in different cities of the world. Art Inside Out (16+)
Video program of the artists of the project "Great Expectations"
21: 00-22: 00, Media Hall
Exhibition of video art from the project MBO "Manege" "Great Expectations." The project was created as a progressive platform for visual experiments of young Russian media artists. The video program consists of five works, each of which is a unique statement. The Great Expectations project was launched in December 2013 and will last until June 2015. In the framework of the St. Petersburg Forum, viewers will be able to see a preview of the large Moscow exhibition, which opens on December 23 at the Manege.
Video program of media artists from the collection of the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art
22: 00-23: 00, Media Hall
The Moscow Museum of Modern Art is the first state museum in Russia to specialize entirely in the art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Since the opening, the museum has expanded its field of activity many times and has gained recognition from the general public. Today the museum is one of the most active participants in the artistic life of the capital.
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