THE EDGE OF REBELS. Contemporary art of Vladivostok. 1960 - 2010s
Automatic translate
с 14 Ноября
по 23 ФевраляЦентр современного искусства “ЗАРЯ”
проспект 100 лет Владивостоку, 155, цех 2, подъезд
The exhibition “Edge of rebels. Contemporary art of Vladivostok. 1960 - 2010 ”, created in partnership with the Arka Gallery of Modern Art and the Primorsky State Art Gallery (PGKG). The exhibition presents the work of artists of the capital of Primorye, both young and those who predetermined the emergence and development of conceptual and unofficial art in Vladivostok. The exposition will last until February 23, admission is free.
“For the Zarya Center for Contemporary Art, this exhibition is an opportunity, on the one hand, to act consistently within the framework of our strategy and show the best in Russian art, and on the other, to publish Vladivostok art at a high level, in a new curatorial interpretation. We hope that this will help to draw attention to it, including outside the region, ”noted one of the curators of the exhibition, curator of the Zarya Center for Contemporary Art Alisa Bagdonayte.
The co-curator of the exhibition is Vera Glazkova, the founder of the first international gallery of contemporary art "Arch" in Vladivostok, which has been an important support for Vladivostok artists for many years.
“Despite its“ closeness, ”our port city has always been a place of synthesis of cultures and ideas. Therefore, Vladivostok art, by definition, occupies a special place on the artistic map of the country. But local artists still need to recognize and analyze their work. Only being in demand in their homeland, they can count on demand from the world community - without emigration, inextricably linked with their kind and national culture. The idea of this exhibition has long lived in the minds of its participants. I hope that it will remind us of our heritage and reflect the processes that are happening today in the contemporary art of Primorye and Vladivostok, ”said Vera Glazkova.
In Vladivostok, the art scene began to take shape with the advent of the Primorsky art gallery and art school in the 1940s, the Academy of Art in the 1960s, and the extra-academic art was associated with the appearance of the Artstage, Arka, and Portmay galleries. In 2013, a book by Alexander Lobychev on the art of Primorye was published, in 2015 Natalya Levdanskaya defended her first dissertation on neo-modernist and postmodernist trends in the fine arts of Primorye at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. Both of these publications became a reference point in writing the history of contemporary art, as well as a prerequisite for this exhibition.
The objective of the exposition is to trace how in the works of the corps of Vladivostok artists of the twentieth century there was a departure from formal preferences in art, as well as a tendency to a critical position taken by the artist. At the exhibition, the viewer will be able to see paintings, graphics, videos, installations and photographs of more than 20 artists of Vladivostok, including Viktor Fedorov, Alexander Pyrkov, Alexander Kiryakhno, Fedor Morozov, Gennady Omelchenko, Yuri Sobchenko, Mikhail Pavin, Ilyas Zinatulin and others.
“If in recent years people talk and write a lot about metropolitan non-conformism, then the study of the provincial underground is in the initial stage. The objective of this exhibition is not just to introduce new names into the scientific circulation, but also to show how the art of the whole land developed - Primorye: from the first experiments of informal art of the 1960s to a wide palette of neo-modernist searches of artists of the late XX - early XXI centuries, ”Natalya noted. Levdanskaya.
To create an exhibition covering such an extensive time range, the organizers turned to private collections, families of artists. Most of the work was provided by the co-organizers of the exhibition - Arka and PGKG galleries.
“The strategy of the Primorsky State Art Gallery in relation to any art institutions is based on respect and sincere interest in everything new in the cultural life of Primorye and Vladivostok. And we could not get past the project of the Zarya Center for Contemporary Art, because it allows us to look at the works of seaside artists from the outside and gives an objective assessment of the fine art of the territory in the context of the contemporary art scene, ”said Alena Datsenko, director of the PGKG.
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