Konstantin Khudyakov. "Virtual Realism"
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с 7 Июня
по 15 ИюляИнновационный культурный центр
ул. Октябрьская, 17 А
At the invitation of the leadership of the Innovation Cultural Center, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts, President of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Academician Konstantin Vasilyevich Khudyakov presents in Kaluga the author’s project “Virtual Realism”. The exhibition was organized by the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Kaluga Region.

“Virtual Realism” is a project whose purpose is to show innovative technologies in contemporary art. Stereo light panels and high-resolution digital paintings introduce and immerse the viewer into the world of new virtuality.
In the domestic art community of authors working with digital projections and preserving the plastic value of works, there are not so many. Konstantin Khudyakov is the undisputed leader in the Russian art of high technology, inexhaustible in the search for the latest technical solutions, sparing no effort to master the most advanced programs and technologies to date. With each project, he reveals previously unknown possibilities for creating artistic images of the era of network intelligence, while remaining a principled follower of art, professing an academic school equally as a necessary foundation, plastic virtues, innovation and relevance.
The exhibition in Kaluga presents the works of Konstantin Khudyakov created in the period from 2005 to 2017. These are works from different cycles: “Anticipation / Deisis”, “Eye of the Angel”, the large cycle “Hotel Russia”, conceived as an artistic double of the world in which we live: its essence, flesh and spirit, dramatic history and reality. Projects that arose at the turn of the millennium have a sequel. The artist prefers not to stop, specifying and generalizing what he, as a person and artist, reflects in the world around him. The works combined architectural experience, painting classes and digital technologies, and most importantly, the constant interest of Konstantin Khudyakov in social and historiosophical topics.
For Khudyakov, the possibility of designing from particular to general, from textures and meanings of individual objects and objects is fundamentally important -
to a specific human fate and a global understanding of the events of the time and history of the country. In Khudyakov, an architect and an exhibitionist, photographer and painter are inextricably linked. The interspecific boundaries of art do not matter to him; the “new imagery” realized by the multivariate language of digital art comes to the fore.
As part of the exhibition project, digital paintings created using the latest technologies are presented: prints on metal and stereo-light panels. The artist considers the use of stereo light technology as a truly innovative method in visual art, which allows to give compositions (created in programs
3-DMax, Cinema-4-D, etc.) fundamentally new expressive qualities: spatial, lighting, dynamic and volumetric effects that are not comparable in their effects to any other means.
In addition, the exhibition presents numerous animated fragments from Art Multitouch and a film about the artist’s work on the large-scale project “DEISIS / Anticipation”, which was once shown at the State Tretyakov Gallery.
Konstantin Khudyakov
Born in 1945 in the village of Tsarevschina, Baltai district, Saratov region. He graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute in the Department of Industrial Architecture, workshop of Professor A. S. Fisenko (1971). According to the distribution of MARCHI, he worked as a chief artist for ten years.
at the Central Museum of V.I. Lenin in Moscow. By the end of the 1990s, he completely switched to digital art.
Today, Konstantin Vasilyevich Khudyakov is vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts, academician and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, head of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, president of the Creative Union of Artists, professor of the Moscow State Art Academy named after S. G. Stroganov, honored artist of Russia using digital technologies in his work.
Khudyakov is an artist in Russian art, searching for the latest technical trends, mastering the most advanced programs and equipment. He created a unique "multi-touch art" - a new form of art, where the multiple sequence of digital photographic images displayed on an interactive screen in the author’s computer processing creates a complete and complex work of art with a special visual and emotional effect. Member of the Moscow and Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art, as well as numerous museum exhibitions in Russia and abroad. His works are stored in many famous museums of the world, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the State Center for Contemporary Art, the Center for Contemporary Art MARS, as well as in art museums in Pskov, Perm, Ivanovo, Kaliningrad, Ulyanovsk, Kostroma, Maykop, Tula, Saratov, Saransk, Tolyatti, Ufa, Kazan, Kaluga, museums of modern art of Vienna and Bratislava.
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