Konstantin Sutyagin "People and the Sea"
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с 14 по 18 Марта
Галерея Экспо-88
ул.Забелина д.1 (метро Китай-город)
The image of man in modern art disappears. Heroes disappeared, there were no big deeds… A man turned into an average unit - and if so, why paint him on canvas with oil paints? But when we suddenly find ourselves close to something great - the sea, rocks, desert, mountains - we regain lost greatness, are magnetized by it. The sea washes away tinsel, sparkles, vulgarity from us. The great makes us human again. Against the background of the sea, the look is always calmed down. Vanity leaves, the gait becomes more solemn, and more serious thoughts appear in the head. The exhibition is dedicated to fishermen, their friends, children and just vacationers, who in ordinary life are nothing special, and against the sea again become like ancient heroes….
Against the background of the sea, the sky is always very clearly visible.
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