Konstantin Sterkhov. Showcases 12+
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с 13 Февраля
по 20 СентябряМузей современного искусства Эрарта
Васильевский остров, 29-я линия, д.2
On February 13, the Erarta Museum opens to the public the exhibition "Showcases" by the famous Petersburg watercolor artist Konstantin Sterkhov.
A series of his works presented at the exhibition is called Window Shopping. This English expression means looking at shop windows or goods without the intention of buying them. Konstantin Sterkhov also invites the viewer to take a look at elegant mannequins and expensive showrooms.
The artist masterfully recreates the textures of fabrics: we feel the softness of knitwear and cashmere, the luxury of furs and silk. However, an inner concern lurks behind the outer sheen. The author conveys in his works the dissatisfaction that a person experiences in the constant pursuit of material things: hardly any of us will become the best version of ourselves after buying a new thing.
The world that Sterkhov creates in his watercolors is twofold: the serene "life" of mannequins is opposed to the chaos of everyday life. Perhaps it is precisely the unattainable perfection of shop windows that attracts people to them, forcing them to wander for hours in shopping centers. However, even the most exclusive items wear out quickly - and modern culture makes a sharp turn towards conscious consumption. Fancy appliances and expensive clothes are no longer synonymous with a happy life.
The Showcases exhibition will be available to viewers from February 13 to May 11. Entrance - by tickets or free of charge by Subscriptions.
About the author:
Konstantin Sterkhov was born in 1968 in Izhevsk. Graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. Repin at the Russian Academy of Arts (1997). Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, St. Petersburg Society of Watercolors and Society of Watercolors of Finland.
The author’s works are in the collections of the Udmurt Republican Museum of Fine Arts (Izhevsk, Russia), the Museum of Paper and Watermarks (Fabriano, Italy), the Museum of the Itya-Häme Region (Hartola, Finland), as well as in corporate and private collections in Russia, Europe, Asia, America and Australia.
- A La Prima Watercolor Festival 2013 at the Kashirka State Exhibition Hall
- Konstantin Sterkhov. Showcases 12+