Concerts for the whole family A. Green "Scarlet Sails"
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19 Ноября
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday, November 19, 3 p.m.
A fabulously beautiful ship with red sails lives in everyone’s soul. Indeed, if you strongly believe - the most incredible dream will come true!
Concerts for the whole family,
A. Green "Scarlet Sails."
Duration - 75 minutes.
Scarlet sails live in the soul of everyone who speaks Russian. The story told by Alexander Green - for all time. It can even be argued that she is one of those that define our identity. It is impossible to live without faith in a miracle, without hope that the most incredible dream will one day… take and… come true. And justice - shame evil. A fabulously beautiful ship will take everyone somewhere to where it is so good that it’s even scary to think about it. The fairy tale makes us, distracted from everyday worries, stare hard at the horizon… even if there is no trace of the sea around. After all, a dream does not have to be tied to the realities of life. Rather, the opposite… life should be determined by a dream. And if not… why such a life?
Children’s choir "Spring" them. A.S. Ponomareva
Artistic Director of the Choir and Conductor - Nadezhda Averina
Choirmaster - Irina Volosovtseva and Anastasia Trukhan
Piano Part - Eugene Sopin
Alex Zalessky Organ
Artist of the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia
Petr Abramov art word
Sand animation master Liliya Chistina
In the program: J. Palestrina, I.S. Bach, A. Lotti, A. Grechaninov, E. Podgaits, E. Eschenwalds