Concert of the musical ensemble of Baroque a la Prima "Music of the Middle Ages"
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29 Января
Пермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
January 29 at 16:00 in the Perm Gallery will host a concert of the musical ensemble of Baroque a la Prima "Music of the Middle Ages". At the concert, anonymous music of the Middle Ages from preserved and restored sources will be heard.
In one program, it would seem, such melodies that are far from each other: a ballad from the distant northern seas and Russian epic, French and Italian medieval dances and songs of pilgrims from the "Red Book of Montserrat Monastery", dance music of Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
Julia Gaykolova - baroque violin
Dilyaver Menametov - violon, mandolin, saz
Irina Pyzhyanova - harp, gusli, wheeled lyre, vocals
Andrey Mikhailov - Panderetta, Tamburello, Darbuka, Rick
Vsevolod Gulyaev - recorder, landsknechttrommel
Musicians will perform in medieval costumes of Central Europe from designer Nastasya Nekrasova.
Tickets cost 500 rubles.
Students and seniors - 250 rubles.
Children from 3 to 18 years - 100 rubles.
Children under 3 years old - free of charge.