Concert for the anniversary of Sergei Stadler
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On May 20, Sergei Stadler, an outstanding musician, People’s Artist of Russia, turns 55 years old. On his anniversary, the Maestro will give a concert in the Greater Italian Gleam of the State Hermitage, where, accompanied by the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, he will perform the famous series of concerts, “The Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi. Officials of the Northern Capital, journalists, representatives of creative circles of St. Petersburg and, of course, friends are invited to congratulate the hero of the day.
The scale of Sergei Stadler’s personality for Russian academic music is hard to overestimate. The talent of the musician was noted at an early age, when as a child, Sergei Stadler already gave his first concerts. Later, after graduating from the St. Petersburg Conservatory and the graduate school of the Moscow Conservatory, he performed at the largest venues in Russia and the world and gathered full halls everywhere. Great concert programs and amazing craftsmanship made the artist famous all over the world, and his joint concerts with legendary musicians shocked the most sophisticated audience. He is the only musician in the world who has twice been awarded the honor of playing the violins of the famous Genoese Paganini.
Stadler proved himself in various roles, including as a successful conductor working on large-scale ballet and opera productions. Most of his projects will certainly acquire the status of “traditional”. These include the annual autumn music marathons, revealing the incredible abilities of the musicians of the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, led by Sergey Valentinovich. Another famous project of the hero of the day is the music program “Music of War and Victory,” which takes place on June 22 within the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress. This year the program will be held for the fourth time.
Each musical fantasy of Sergey Valentinovich Stadler undoubtedly becomes a vivid musical event in the cultural life of not only our city, but also beyond its borders.
The anniversary concert on May 20 is an opportunity not only to congratulate your beloved artist on his birthday, but also to once again enjoy beautiful music in excellent performance.
The concert will take place on May 20 at 19.00 in the Great Italian Gleam of the State Hermitage.
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