Concert G.F. Handel
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20 Мая
Базилика святой Екатерины Александрийской
Невский пр., 32-34
May 20 but. Russia Sergey Stadler will celebrate his birthday with a festive concert. This time, the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra under the direction of the Maestro will perform Handel’s beautiful music. With this performance, the musicians will continue the cycle of concerts in the Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria, which started in 2017.
In one of the city’s oldest Catholic churches, the composer’s magnificent plein air suites, “Music on the Water” and “Music for the Royal Fireworks,” will sound. These light, divertissement compositions, created for solemn festivities, reflect the pattern of musical life in England of the 18th century - democratic, open, accessible to a wide circle of society.
An endless series of images, paintings, moods will create the atmosphere of a real holiday. A great addition to them will be music to the satirical play “The Alchemist”, popular at the time of Handel, and maestro Stadler will appreciate the violin and strings Sonata for performing art.
Recall that in 2017 the Symphony Orchestra began a joint project with the Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria. The musicians performed here are the masterpieces of I.S. Bach. The cycle opened with the spiritual oratorio Passion for Matthew. Following this, all orchestral suites and all violin concerts of the great composer were performed in the Basilica.
The concert will take place on May 20 in the Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria at 32-34 Nevsky Prospect.
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