"Concert for two organs and eight saxophones"
Automatic translate
9 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday 9 July
The new, in fact, often turns out to be the well-forgotten old. We admire the achievements of modern technology, not imagining that something similar (and even brighter and more interesting!) Already existed. So, even a hundred years before Vivaldi, arranged on opposite sides of St. Mark’s Cathedral (usually in the shape of a cross), the musicians alternated their cues, creating a feeling for the listener that is considered to be considered today
stereo effect. Then it was called - an antiphone. We want to watch how delightfully two bodies (large and small) begin to talk - scattered in time (question-answer structure) and in space (above and below - opposite each other). And also try to apply this ancient technique for two saxophone quartets. Yesterday and today. We will compare.
Saxophone Quartet “Ad Libitum”
Anton Skiba Soprano Saxophone
Julia Bikhovets saxophone alt
Kirill Maslov Tenor Saxophone
Philip Chumaev saxophone baritone
Saxophonists Quartet “Quattro Caratteri”
Camille Mubarakzyanov Soprano Saxophone
Ruslan Zaripov saxophone alt
Konstantin Ivlev Tenor Saxophone
Mikhail Lebedev saxophone baritone
Laureates of international competitions
Anna Suslova Organ
Ivan Ipatov organ
Program: I. S. Bach, G. F. Handel, A. Vivaldi, A. Piazzolla
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