"Classics of Croatian photography"
Automatic translate
с 28 Июня
по 28 ИюляМАММ
ул. Остоженка, д.16

The exhibition project "Classics of Croatian Photography", dedicated to the history of Croatian photography, includes 80 works by the main artists of this country. Among them are the works of Tosho Dabac and Dzhuro Yanekovich of the 1930s, photographs of Milan and Slavka Paviche of the 1950s, as well as documentary footage of Mladen Tudor, made in the 1970s and 1980s.
The works included in the exhibition are the original photo chronicle of the last century, which reflects the main artistic trends of Croatian photography, which were formed in close interconnection with world trends in art.
The exposition is presented in partnership with the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb and is part of the XI Moscow International Biennale “Fashion and Style in Photography-2019”.
The curator of the exhibition is Dunya Nekich.
The time and place of the exhibition: from June 28 to July 28, 2019, MAMM (Ostozhenka, 16).
The museum is available to visitors from 12:00 to 21:00, daily (except Mondays).
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