Chinese tourists - the bulk of foreign visitors to the Irkutsk Art Museum
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Chinese tourists made up the bulk of foreign visitors to the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev in the summer of 2016. “It is difficult to draw accurate numbers,” says Kristina Sherkhunaeva, head of one of the branches of the V.P. Sukachev Estate Museum, “because we have the same tickets for Russians and foreigners at the same price. But every week there were excursions for several organized groups of Chinese tourists. ”
If the estate of visitors from China is primarily attracted by the wooden architecture and the exposure of Siberian porcelain, then when visiting the main building of the museum on the street. Lenin, 5 they pay maximum attention to genre painting. “Visitors from China are attracted by paintings depicting scenes of everyday life,” says Anna Potapova, a researcher at the museum. “They are interested in works that read some kind of history of the relationship between people and family life, made in the style of realism. Similar works are presented on the second floor of the main building of the museum. ”
The book of museum reviews speaks eloquently about the number of Chinese tourists. Reviews in Chinese - on almost every page of the book. In the neighborhood records of representatives of other countries: Germany, France, Italy, USA, Greece, Israel, South Korea. “Compared to the summer of 2015, it can be noted that this year the number of foreign visitors has not changed significantly,” adds Kristina Sherkhunaeva, “with the exception of all the Chinese. Their number has increased by at least a third. ” And another feature of this tourist season: if in previous years, by the beginning of September, the flow of foreign visitors was significantly reduced, now September is comparable in activity to the summer months.
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