Killer whale (16+). Comedy about love in two acts
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с 16 по 17 Апреля
Воронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55
Touring Belgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M.S. Schepkina
April 16 and 17
The love story - passionate and shy, belated and suddenly flared up - was written by Tolstoy in just two weeks in November 1916, a difficult and tragic time: the First World War is underway, a revolution is ripening in Russia…
… And he tells a touching story, in the center of which is an arrogant and luxurious beauty, former singer Maria Kosareva (Kasatka), and now the lover of Alphonse Anatoly Petrovich, Prince Belsky. This couple and the “hereditary nobleman”, ridiculous, roguish Abram Zheltukhin, are burning their lives aimlessly and aimlessly. It was he who invited lovers, tired of the suffocating atmosphere of St. Petersburg decadence and the constant encroachment of creditors, to accept the invitation of Aunt Anatoly to stay with her on a village estate.
Pastoral patriarchal customs captivate colorful companions with their sincerity and freshness. In the quiet harmony of “another life”, the heroes meet kind, pure-hearted people who are not spoiled by the capital’s life, and find their true love, and with it the opportunity to truly know themselves… The play was born as an answer to the need for a life buoy in a world shaken by disasters where a person loses old meanings and seeks to find new ones.
And, it seems, all for the same reasons, at the end of the second millennium, Simon Spivak, artistic director of the St. Petersburg Youth Theater on the Fontanka, who in 1999 staged a “comedy about love” in his theater, turned to “Killer Whale”… And now, after a while Spivak’s poetic, funny and sad, surprisingly touching performance appears in the repertoire of the Belgorod drama.
His premiere performances took place on January 31 and February 1, 2015. The friendliness and openness of the Belgorod public is known to the guests of our city. But the hall of the Belgorod drama did not know such sincerity and immediacy of spectator emotions, such long and loud applause. This is not surprising: the audience missed clear, transparent human stories with a happy ending. Moreover, the unpretentious, it would seem, plot of a lyrical comedy with almost vaudeville positions and moves in Spivak’s performance turns into an amazing collage of paintings of Russian life, portraits of Russian characters - lively, recognizable, painted with intonations of love, compassion and soft humor.
Tickets are sold at the box office at 55, Revolution Ave., from 10 to 20.
Beginning: on working days at 19.00, on weekends and holidays at 18.00.
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