The reeds. Ilona Rista exhibition 12+ Automatic translate
с 26 Сентября
по 16 ДекабряМузей современного искусства Эрарта
Васильевский остров, 29-я линия, д.2
Ilona Rista is known all over the world primarily as a designer: it was she who designed, for example, a conference room for the residence of the Hadron Collider CERN. The works of this author are almost always related to the context and are created in collaboration with the architect. But the “Reeds” project, which will be presented at the Erarta Museum, was born out of context - here the design ends and art begins.
The “Reeds” exhibition offers the viewer simple, nature-inspired images transformed by the human mind of the 21st century. In the exhibition hall of the Erart Museum, giant digital dragonflies will chatter, and the very prosaic thickets of reeds that can be seen along the coastline will appear in the form of a strict modernist lattice through which fantastic light breaks through. Behind each of these works there is an irresistible desire of the author to hear the music of the spheres, which, according to the Pythagorean followers, can approach closer through the harmony of numbers. From the smallest elements of the world, Ilona Rista designs harmonious harmonies, resurrecting an unquenchable thirst to approach the mystery of being.
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