How to carry out children’s parties?
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If you want to implement holding children’s parties so that the kids were completely satisfied, received a lot of pleasant experiences and spent time actively and cheerfully, it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances and important points. For most parents, such events cause difficulties due to a lack of experience and skills, but with the help of the relevant agencies and companies, which are now a great many, it will not be difficult to organize them. So, you have chosen a company, set a time and a place, invited guests, and then what?
General moments of the holiday
Next, of course, the presenter: not just an acquaintance or relative, but a person who professionally knows how to win the trust of children and has the skills of a psychologist. He will support the interest of children throughout the action, direct their energy to a pre-selected channel, and will work with them throughout the holiday. A correctly selected leader is already half an unforgettable celebration for your child.
You can also resort to the help of animators: unlike the presenter, they do not lead the action, they help him go in the right direction. In addition, animators will help adults to monitor such an important detail as the safety of children, because when playing outdoor games there is always a risk of injury.
It is necessary to choose the right scenario for the event, taking into account the age of the children, because what is interesting for children may not attract older children at all. There are many different scenarios that are likely to interest children:
- holiday at the school of magic;
- treasure Island;
- time travel;
- holiday at the school of super-agents and many others.
What is the best way to spend a holiday?
A good presenter can hold the attention and interest of children during all contests, quizzes and presentations. It should not overload the children too much, there should not be too many games so that the children are not corny tired prematurely, and the final part of the holiday does not go quite languidly. It is worth choosing two or three entertainment options that will attract the attention of children: it can be clowns, magicians, soap bubble shows, trained animals, small theatrical productions or a meeting with your favorite characters in films or cartoons. An option with face painting is also good: at your holiday there will be children painted under animals, birds or butterflies. You can choose a quiz as entertainment, but remember that you should not come up with difficult questions: let every child have a chance to win.
At the celebration, all children should definitely receive gifts that will leave pleasant memories of the celebration. Come up with various prizes for the winners of the competitions: small figures and souvenirs are perfect for this. It is important to correctly pause competitions and games so that children do not overwork, and during which they can relax and eat. The food on the festive table should be light: the kids are very mobile, jump a lot, run and jump, and heavy food will not work here. Tartlets, canapes, sweets and fruits - these are the best choices. There should also be plenty of drink: various juices, fruit drinks and still water.
If your holiday is a birthday, then presenting gifts to the birthday party should be postponed until the end of the event. Festive cake, blowing out candles and making wishes are the quintessence of a birthday. And finally, the time comes to open gifts, the wait has come to an end! For two reasons, it is worth giving gifts at the end of the holiday: firstly, the child has been waiting all this time and thinking what exactly is hiding under the rustling wrapper, as a result of which the things received will be even more pleasant for him; secondly, do not interrupt the game, because it will distract the attention of children and then it will be more difficult for them to join the celebration again.
Thus, we can conclude what to consider when conducting an event:
- contests, games, quizzes;
- souvenirs;
- holiday menu;
- gifts.
To organize a holiday well for a child, it is necessary to do a lot of work, which should take into account not only the interests, age and preferences of the group of children, but also do everything as comfortable as possible for their parents so that they also have the opportunity to relax, chat with each other and rest, and do not patronize the children all the time during the holiday. That is why it is better to instruct professionals to engage in conducting a children’s and adult holiday, it is better if they come animations for a children’s holiday who can organize everything in a professional manner.