"To the origins of femininity." Exhibition of the artist Lyudmila Varlamova
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с 13 Мая
по 30 НоябряЦентр красоты Elysion
ул.Большая Татарская, д. 7 корп. 1
On May 13, the Elysion Beauty Center opens the exhibition “To the Origins of Femininity”
The exposition presents more than 20 works of Lyudmila Varlamova, executed in the technique of watercolor and pastel painting. The exhibition is dedicated to the woman and her relationship with the outside world, which is the subject of particular interest to the artist. Lyudmila’s works are characterized by fullness with light, play of forms, lightness and airiness, laconicism. In her sheets there is an element of understatement as a kind of provocation, which causes the viewer to dialogue with the artist.
A distinctive feature of Varlamova’s artistic method is the experiment, and the experimental field includes work with various materials and techniques. Working in the traditional techniques of oil painting, watercolors, oil pastels, the artist also turned to porcelain painting. The fragility and tenderness of such a material as porcelain perfectly matches the artistic style of Lyudmila. Porcelain plates combined with the exquisite line and color spot magic take on a new life. They are exhibited at the exhibition and represent an organic part of the artist’s work.
Lyudmila Varlamova belongs to a generation of artists whose creative development took place in close contact with prominent representatives of the Russian academic art school. Her family ties with major well-known artists Yevgeny Rastorguev and Tamara Guseva, as well as hard work and her love for creativity brought the artist world fame.
The master’s works are regularly exhibited at national and international collective as well as personal art exhibitions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rome, France, Prague, Cameroon, Lithuania, and the USA. Her works are in the collections of the Literary Museum in St. Petersburg, in private collections in Russia and abroad, including the collections of Pierre Cardin, Evgeny Primakov, Alberto Sandretti, Vladimir Spivakov and others.
The artist comments on her choice of space for the exhibition as follows: “So far, the collaboration of beauty industry enterprises with artists is a rarity, but I believe that this is an example worthy of imitation. The Elysion Beauty Center is on the same wavelength as the visual arts - both create beauty. ”
Center President Yekaterina Ryazanova presents a new project - “To the Origins of Femininity”, which combines an art exhibition and creative master classes.
“The basis of this project is the art therapy method. It has no restrictions or contraindications, being a safe way to relieve stress. This is a natural way of healing when negative emotions are transformed into positive ones.
We invited the artist to become the flagship of the project, in whose work lies the sincere belief that the world is beautiful, and we are able to make it even better. Looking at the work of Lyudmila, you are convinced that beauty is really around us. I am pleased that our guests, visiting the Center, will rejoice, love and admire. ”
The exhibition and sale of works by Lyudmila Varlamova will last until the end of November 2019.
Within the framework of the exhibition, excursions with the artist are organized, which will be by appointment through the website www.elysion.center
Entrance to the exhibition is free.
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