Ivanovo hill
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The Creative Union of Russian Artists presents an exhibition of plein air painting of two Moscow artists: Ilya Trofimov and Valery Sopp.
Exhibition canceled
This is the fourth exposition as part of the exhibition activities of the Moscow Plein Air Group. The group has existed since 2011, it includes a small circle of artists who somehow gravitate to joint trips to the streets of Moscow. In this case, Valery Sopp and Ilya Trofimov present a detailed series of their works inspired by Moscow.
The names of previous exhibitions: “The Edges of Moscow”, “Exit to the City”, “Lanes offline”, as well as the name of this exposition: “Ivanovskaya Gorka” express a special intimate line of relationships with your favorite city.
The participants of the “Moscow plein air” are united by their attachment to the historical center, which has retained its attractiveness, despite the dramatic changes of recent decades. In a sense, it is the aura of the city, which overcomes the framework of time, eludes concrete embodiment, that unites artists. Plein air simply allows you to get closer to her.
The choice of motive is usually the choice of the heart. The eye gives way to spiritual preference, proving a simple truth: visual art cannot be reduced to pure optics. The artist’s personality always remains with his memory, twists of fate, with his own special perception.
At the same time, the open air is a search for a possible solid foundation in the groundlessness of the reality available. He restores distorted space, reunites disparate plans. Plein air is a way to slow down the walk so much that you can have a look at the facial expressions of houses, asphalt roughness, and experience physical pleasure from the bend of the street.
Valery Sopp, celebrating his 70th birthday, is a brilliant, passionate draftsman and engraver. Its lines form expressive structures, their sharpness and whimsical fractures have a source of lively, energetic temperament. And in painting, the artist is steadily pursuing his goal, relentlessly overwriting the seemingly ready-made work, until he gets the right color, until the relationship begins to sparkle with special force. His compositions convey this feature of creativity, they must certainly “ring” like a stretched string, its color must exceed the monotony of nature, the shadows to find a rigid border, and even the branches of trees to find rhythmic, coordinated movements. This restlessness, this indefatigability in work somewhat reminds the character of modern Moscow - shifted, uplifted. In constant concern for improvement, decorating oneself, looking into the future.
Ilya Trofimov - art critic, poet and artist all rolled into one. He wrote articles on the work of many famous artists of Moscow. Such as Viktor Glukhov, Nikolai Tuzhilin, Gennady Efimochkin, Valery Babin, Irina Pokladova, Yuri Grigoryan, Umit Bek, Vera Elnitskaya, Andrey Korovin, Alexander Kotlyarov, Andrey Rodionov, Mikhail Konovalov, Marina Kabysh, Mara Daugaviete, and others.
The artist owns several large series of non-figurative works under the general title "Landscape Structure". Plein air classes became for him a way to overcome the limitations and one-sidedness of the language of abstract painting.
According to the artist, the aggressive offensive of the so-called “modern” contemporary art raises the question of the survival of the national school and leads to the loss of a huge number of meanings associated with realistic tradition. There is a long way to overcome the aesthetic uncertainty and negativity accumulated by modern art. This is evidenced by the bashful silence of the worldview aspects of this struggle. The activities of the Moscow Plein Air group can be seen as an anti-globalist gesture.
Poems by Ilya Trofimov about Moscow
The empty bistro glows
The last metro is knocking
And the heart hears
Under the slush
Granite sparkles.
The cold city is already sleeping
With her sad woman.
As if you’ve added an hour,
Zeros added to the number,
Stupid mistakes corrected,
Let’s go for a walk in Fili.
Special life
Beautiful -
Look over the turn of the river.
There is green and blue
And light up the lights.
Say: Moscow is mine -
And you will become a Muscovite.
You’ll feel her shoulder,
And other things that owe Muscovites.
She thought open in the window.
And - do not be shy - ask her what.
Valery Sopp - member of the TSHR, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Agricultural Academy, a member of the Moscow Plein Air group of artists;
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Folk Art of Russia;
He was awarded the bronze and silver medals of TSHR, the gold medal of ANI;
His works are in museums in Moscow, Vologda, Omsk, Yaroslavl, Samara, Basel and Nyon (Switzerland), Bergamo (Italy), Oklahoma (USA), Istanbul (Turkey) and in private collections in Russia and abroad.
Ilya Trofimov - was born in Moscow; He studied at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov;
Member of TSHR, Ministry of Agriculture, founder of the group of artists "Moscow plein air";
Art critic, author of publications on contemporary artists of Moscow;
The author of the poetry collection "18 km to happiness";
Winner of the independent literary prize "Living Literature" in the nomination "Poetry" (2011);
The works are stored in the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin, museums in Saratov, Irbit.
- "Round trip"
- Exhibition "Virtual Realism 1.0"
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