Automatic translate
с 20 Августа
по 10 СентябряГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
August 20 at 19.00 in the gallery "Nagornaya" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open the IV International Project "Abstract Art in Contemporary Russia". Exhibition "The Space of the Ideal IV". The project involves artists from 14 countries: France, Israel, Bulgaria, Italy, USA, South Korea, Spain, Canada, Romania, Turkey, Germany, Mexico, Japan, Russia.
The IV International project "Abstract Art in Contemporary Russia" was organized to determine its place in modern culture, to provide various points of view, with the participation of foreign artists. In this process, abstraction is aimed at developing the concept of the “ideal”, which entails the need to support and develop a culture and create a critical dialogue. This will be done through the format of “Space of the“ ideal ”.
The ability to abstract thinking is one of the distinguishing features of a person, which, probably, was formed simultaneously with language skills and largely due to language. Abstraction in its higher forms is the result of the discovery of the increasingly significant properties of things and phenomena through their connections and relationships.
Expressive symbolism in painting has a clear impact on the self-consciousness of the audience. And then, individuals diametrically opposed in their convictions come to a common vision presented in a creative work. This is because symbols and feelings are universal to all people. Maybe the names will change, but the graphic images-symbols will remain, and through them the reference stream of knowledge will continue to be broadcast. The symbol is not only a recognizable silhouette - it is color, and texture, and smell, and sound.
In general, this is a means by which you can universally understand and fully convey information to the addressee. Reporting feelings and experiences. A picture showing the inner, spiritual life. From one creature to another, enriching it internally, bringing new colors to the present. All of the current progress of science leads to better supersensitive methods of transmitting information. But what can be compared with human feelings and the ability to empathize?
David Ru: “The world where we live is just a collective visualization. In fact, this is the only thing that one generation passes to another. But no matter what forms were prescribed to us by the past, in fact, each of us still sees in life only a reflection of his own self. ”
The project is attended by abstract artists from around the world, exhibiting their projects as a single team of cultural production, united by common creative interests in the development of the concept of "Ideal". It provides for the simultaneous installation of all types of art in real time, in the space in which contact dialogue between the artist and the viewer is possible.
Within the framework of the project, events are planned that allow you to see the versatility of modern abstract art:
August 23 at 17.00 - Round table of the project;
Discussion of the exhibition and its prospects.
The world where we live is simply collective visualization.
In fact, this is the only thing that one generation passes to another.
But no matter what forms were prescribed to us by the past, in fact, each of us still sees in life only a reflection of his own self.
David ru
August 26, 17.00 - Master class by Svetlana Antikhovich;
Pictures do not convey the physical shape of objects or events, but their energy content.
August 29 17.00 - Performance. “Against interpretation”
Jeannette Mark Alexander Sergienko;
Nowadays, interpretation most often equals the philistine reluctance to leave the artist’s work as it is. Genuine art has the ability to bother us only with its form, leading us to catharsis. Reducing the work to its content, and then, interpreting this, man has tamed the work of the last centuries. Interpretation makes art manual, comfortable. At an important moment, we are opposed to this, wanting to leave alone words, things, and insight.
August 30 at 19. 00 - David Ru, Nikolai Popov
(N) on - sto (P). Multimedia project.
Composer - Nikolai Popov
Video artists: Andrew Quinn (Italy), Todor Pozharev (Serbia), Alexander Plakhin and Alexandra Golikova (Russia)
Artist, performer: David Ru, Irina Sidorina, Tatyana Babushkina, Irina Matinyan, Maria Gradova.
Nikita Agafonov (clarinet)
Maria Alikhanova (flute)
Edita Phil (flute)
Sergey Chirkov (accordion)
Stanislav Malyshev (violin)
Olga Kalinova (cello)
Mark Pekarsky (drums)
Dmitry Schelkin (drums)
With the support of: Center for Electroacoustic Music of the Moscow Conservatory and Center for Contemporary Music of the Moscow Conservatory
September 4 at 17. 00 (5+) Workshop on abstract painting for children "Seasons" with Anna Shchelochkova;
Inspection of an abstract art exhibition. A conversation about abstract art and its difference from figurative. The expressive properties of the line and color. Abstract concepts in the language (depending on age).
September 5 at 17. 00 - Irina Sidorina. Project "Transparency";
Our whole life is a series of moments. Human memory captures everything, but reproduces fragmentarily. In the gaps of the conscious lies the unconscious. That which is impossible to realize calls for a solution. Vinyl transparent film, black marker. With a free stroke I create a graphic version of a momentary emotional outburst. Layering images, I try to see the whole image and get an impulse for further actions.
September 6 at 17. 00 - Performance by Irina Matinyan “Return to the Future”;
Vostanik Manuk Adoyan, known as the Armenian-American artist Arshil Gorky, the founder of abstract expressionism. The artist no longer reproduces the outwardly visible and recognizable, he makes visible what is inside of him: his emotions, memory, feelings. Arshile Gorky, according to Andre Breton, decodes nature, but does not copy it.
September 8 at 17. 00 - Workshop of Elena Zakhtser. That "polygon".
Binding to the meaning, essence of the image, the transfer of the internal component of the object are required. Kinesthetic, therefore experimenting with methods and means (both photographic and technological) in reproducing textures. I believe that art is the “training ground" where synesthesia is formed and most actively cultivated.
The participants:
Muriel Massan (France), Seagal Ron (Israel), Miriana Savova (Israel), Marino Rossetti (Italy), Svetla Radulova (Bulgaria), Tracy Hanson (USA), KwangMo Gu (South Korea), Rosanna Casagrande (Italy), Franco Shiusko (Italy), Cesare Saccenti (Italy), Mambril Fuerventura (Spain), Vivien Gruye (Canada), Elena Dragulelei Dumitru (Romania), Gina Ninkovic (Turkey), Wolfgang Calais (Germany), Arturo Pacheco Lugo (Mexico), Antonio San Martin (Spain), Richard Forster (USA), Kenrio Hara (Japan), Irina Sidorina (Russia), Jeannette Mark (Russia), Alexander Sergien o (Russia), Thomas Arutyunyan (Russia), Yuri Mironov (Russia), Yuri Izosimov (Russia), Irna Matinyan (Russia), Maxim Demin (Russia), Elena Zakhtser (Russia), Sevak Suryan (Russia), Irina Uvarova )Russia), Evgeny Okinshevich (Russia), Tatyana Gogoloshvili (Russia), Svetlana Antikhovich (Russia), Anna Shchelochkova (Russia), David Ru (Russia)
Project Curator: David Ru - Vice-President of the Russian Union of Artists of Mass Media, Editor-in-Chief of the TSHR Publication, Chairman of the Abstract Art Section of the Russian Union of Artists
Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
The Creative Union of Russian Artists is a public organization uniting fifteen thousand professional artists throughout Russia. TSHR holds exhibitions, publishes art catalogs and books, holds classes and master classes in painting, drawing and sculpture for professionals and amateurs, organizes conferences, symposiums, auctions, charity events, implements large-scale international projects with the participation of artists and curators from different countries ) www.tcxp.ru )
Gallery "Nagornaya" began its work in 1978. This is the first state gallery in Moscow. Initially, the gallery showed mainly academic painting (socialist realism, critical realism, “harsh style”, “left” MOSH), but over the years the focus has shifted towards modern digital technologies, multimedia, installations, photography. The gallery carries out many projects in collaboration with major Moscow and regional museums, cultural foundations, creative unions, art universities, cultural centers at embassies of different countries, as well as artists’ heirs and collectors. ) www.galereya-nagornaya.ru )
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association is a project of the Moscow Department of Culture dedicated to the decentralization of culture and the modernization of the activities of cultural organizations. The association includes 18 exhibition halls located in 10 districts of Moscow. ) www.vzmoscow.ru )
Dates of the exhibition: August 20 - September 10, 2015
Venue: Gallery "Nagornaya"
Address: Gallery "Nagornaya" (st. Remizova, 10, tel.: +7 (499) 123-65-69)
Gallery hours: Tue - sun. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
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