The final exhibition of the All-Russian contest of young artists "The Muse Should Work"
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с 17 Декабря
по 31 ЯнваряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
For the second year in a row, the most ambitious art project has been held in the ARTMUZA Creative Cluster - the Annual All-Russian Competition for Young Artists “The Muse Must Work”!
The significance of such contests is very high. Firstly, they help beginner and talented artists in creative implementation, as well as orient young authors to successful promotion in the art market. Secondly, a highly competent assessment of respected figures of contemporary art culture plays a significant role here, which serves as a serious basis for the professional development of young and ambitious artists.
Within two months we have collected more than 450 applications from different parts of our vast country! Active participation in the competition was attended not only by artists of large cities, but also by young talents of remote towns and villages. According to the rules of the competition, our competent jury was to select only 40 applicants, but there were so many worthy works that the jury unanimously decided to increase the number of participants to 50!
The grand opening of the exhibition and the award ceremony will take place on December 17 at 19:00! All gallery spaces of the 2nd and 3rd floors of "ARTMUSES" for a whole month will become a center of concentration of contemporary art by young artists of Russia.
The name of the winner of the competition will be announced at the opening day! He will receive the main prize - a personal exhibition in the gallery space "ARTMUZA", where the press, collectors, art historians and other representatives of the art community will be invited.
Exhibition dates: 12/17/15-31/01/16
December 17, 2015 at 19:00 - the grand opening and rewarding of the winners
Venue: Creative cluster "ARTMUZA", 13th line V.O., house 70-72
The entrance is free
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