"The history of Russia in photographs. 1946-1964."
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с 16 Декабря
по 31 ЯнваряГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
When implementing the project, state support funds were used, allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2013 No. 115-RP and on the basis of a competition held by the Knowledge Society of Russia.
General partner of the program “History of Russia in Photographs”: OJSC Novatek
The exhibition will be held from December 16, 2016 to January 31, 2017
in the Gallery of Modern Art Kazan, st. Karl Marx, 57
Exhibition “History of Russia in Photographs. 1946-1964 "Continues the MAMM / MDF program" History of Russia in Photography. Photo Chronicle of Russia ”, started by the museum in 1997.
The exhibition presents the works of the classics of Russian photography - Dmitry Baltermants, Lev Borodulin, Vsevolod Tarasevich, Viktor Akhlomov, Valery Gende-Rota, Robert Diament, Emanuel Evzerikhin, Vladislav Mikoshi, Alexander Ustinov and others - and pictures of wonderful Soviet photo correspondents whose art is not so well known to the general public - Mikhail Grachev, Anatoly Morozov, Nikolai Volkov, Semyon Mishin-Morgenstern, etc.
The exposition includes photographs from the MAMM / MDF funds, as well as the PhotoSoyuz Agency, the State Literature Museum, the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, the Russian Federal Nuclear Center, the GUM Press Office, the Sovremennik Theater, and private collections.
Alexander Ustinov. Mass swim in honor of the Navy Day. Sevastopol June 24, 1949. From the collection of the Photo Union agency
Victor Akhlomov. Nikita Khrushchev, German Titov, Yuri Gagarin, Mikhail Suslov and Leonid Brezhnev. Vnukovo Airport August 9, 1961. From the collection of MAMM
The exhibition presents works illustrating the period of the restoration of Russia after the end of World War II and the return to civilian life. The pictures reflect the most important events of those years, for example, the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Moscow, the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the celebration of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the presentation of the Nobel Prize to Academician Landau. The exhibition is also focused on everyday life, achievements in the field of education, science, culture and sports.
Exhibition “History of Russia in Photographs. 1946-1964 "Is a photo chronicle, which includes shots from various geographical points of the country, from Moscow to Chelyabinsk, from Norilsk to Crimea, from Leningrad to Vladivostok. And of course, in the lens of photographers are faces. The faces of children, scientists, workers, writers, poets, actors, students, musicians, athletes… Our collective portrait against the backdrop of time.
MAMM / MDF project “Russia. XX century in photographs. 1946-1964 ”allows everyone to survive the pages of a common history, without knowledge of which it is impossible to imagine and build the future.
At the exhibition “Istria of Russia in Photographs. 1946 - 1964 ", Which will begin to work in the Gallery of Modern Art on December 16, 2016, will be presented more than a hundred photographs.
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