History of Russia in photographs. 1900–1917
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с 15 Сентября
по 8 ОктябряГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
Photo album “History of Russia in photographs. 1900 – 1917 ”- part of the unique multimedia project of the museum“ Moscow House of Photography ”-“ Photo Archiving of Russian History ”. Its purpose is to trace the real course of the historical process in the past XX century, to recreate a reliable image of events and personalities of bygone time.
The project involves the creation of an interactive portal (www.russiainphoto.ru), a series of traveling exhibitions in Russian cities and the publication of a four-volume publication “Russia. The 20th Century in Photographs ”, covering various aspects of life in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century: the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, the February and October Revolution, elections to the State Duma, events of the First World War, as well as the everyday life of various classes - family holidays, home theaters, sports, street scenes… The album widely presents the cultural life of the beginning of the century and reflects its significant events: the construction and opening of the Moscow Art Theater, Mariinsky Theater, the departure of the Diaghilev troupe to Nice, Voloshin’s dacha in Koktebel, Application "World of Art"… Special attention is paid to the architecture and the urban landscape of Moscow, St. Petersburg and district cities of Russia.
The task of the book and exhibition is to return to our consciousness the reality of historical fact without its mythological Soviet, anti-Soviet and post-Soviet interpretation. Answer the simple questions “what?”, “Where?”, “When?”. The book and exhibition helps us emotionally relive the events of the days of the past and think about the fact that each of us is a direct participant in creating the history of our country. Every minute we live becomes an invaluable fact of history.
The book and the exhibition presents the works of the best photographers of the twentieth century, including: Karl and Victor Bulla, Scherer and Nabgolts, Boasson and Egler, Gauthier-Dufaye and Dmitriev and, at the same time, photographs of unknown authors whose names still do not appear in Russian history photographic art, which is guilty of historical oblivion and our negligence in relation to history.
Photos can be seen on the Internet portal www.russiainphoto.ru
An interest in history is an interest in detail. A sense of the meaning of our own being gives knowledge of how and what our parents and grandfathers lived. The measure of our responsibility for what exactly our children will see when they look at photographs of today’s life depends on this.
In Kazan, in the Gallery of Modern Art of the Pushkin Museum of the RT, four exhibitions of this exhibition project will be presented: “History of Russia in photographs. 1900-1917 "(September 15 – October 8, 2016)," History of Russia in photographs. 1918 - 1940 "(October 14 - November 4, 2016)," History of Russia in photographs. 1941 - 1945 "(November 9 - December 11, 2016)," History of Russia in photographs. 1946 - 1964 "(January 20 - February 2, 2017).
The exhibition, which opens on September 14, 2016, features 100 photographs.