History and culture of Russia. Painting, graphics from the collections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
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From February 20 to March 29, 2015 in the museum and exhibition complex of the School of Watercolors Sergei Andriyaka will host an exhibition specially prepared by the Studio of artists named after V.V. Vereshchagin Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the School of watercolors Sergei Andriyaka.
The objective of the exhibition is to acquaint the viewer with the events that served as a starting point in the creation of the Russian police and to show its development in the framework of the country’s history. In the work on the paintings, the artists carefully studied historical material, referring to documentary evidence of the era and to objects of material culture. The works reproduce the atmosphere of everyday life of past eras, reliably showing furnishings, costumes, utensils. The plots were events from the history of the department.
A.I. Teslik Thunderstorm passes. Series Moscow military.
As part of the Studio’s historical project, the exposition presents works that reflect the main stages of the history of the internal affairs bodies; An interesting example is the picture of A.A. Shumeyko "Tsar Ivan the Terrible surrounded by bodyguards."
A.A. Shumeyko Tsar Ivan the Terrible, surrounded by bodyguards. 2014 year
According to the paintings of S.N. Efoshkina, presented at the exhibition, it is interesting to trace the history of the form of a policeman, from the Petrine era to the 21st century. The viewer’s attention will undoubtedly be attracted by still lifes with the weapons of the artist Yu.A. Orlova, paintings on the history of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russian provincial cities Tuchina. Large-format graphic works by artist V.Yu. are spectacular Zhelvakova is “The Opening of the Monument to Alexander II in the Kremlin”, “The Consecration of the Monument to the 1000th Anniversary of Russia in Novgorod” and the memorable triptych “Terrorism is a Threat to the World”, which tells about the fight against terrorism in Russia of the 19th century.
A separate block of works is devoted to the Great Patriotic War, presented in the exhibition by D.N. Sandzhieva and I.G. Mikhailova.
I.G. Mikhailov The movement is open. 2005
Today’s day of the Russian police was reflected in the plot compositions of O.A. Leonov and portraits of fighters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, authored by A.I. Teslik.
A.I. Teslik Defender of the Fatherland. 2003 year
A.I. Teslik At a special operation. 2003 year
Works of art created by the masters of the Studio of artists named after V.V. Vereshchagin, glorify Russia, our Fatherland. And, of course, they pay tribute to the dedicated and heroic work of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The exhibition shows about 150 works of painting, graphics and arts and crafts. The presented material has no analogues and is unique in its specificity. The exhibition is aimed at both an adult audience and students, schoolchildren.
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