We use paintings to decorate the interior of the apartment
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You have probably noticed more than once that the house seems to have everything you need for life, but at the same time you get the feeling that something is missing: the walls seem to be bare, and the interior is dry and cold. Meanwhile, tastefully selected and well-placed photographs, prints, paintings and other objects of fine art will transform the house and make it unique. Thanks to the picture hanging on the wall, the interior design becomes complete, and the home itself is cozy. In addition, she always says that the owner has a good taste.
A good picture can transform the interior design, enliven the room. Thanks to the artistic organization of space, its filling with objects of art and various trifles dear to the eye and heart, the house becomes close and dear.
To illustrate, we have selected for you some interesting examples of paintings that can be purchased with delivery at the Studio of Art of Russia, which deals with selling painting already 20 years:
More recently, few could afford to buy and collect paintings in Russia, but now the situation has changed, and we can observe that the interiors of many apartments are decorated with works of fine art, which is considered a good form. Young artists, whose paintings are sold so far inexpensively, are gradually becoming more and more popular. The price of a painting is largely determined by the level of skill of the artist, the complexity of the plot of the painting, its design and size. Depending on the design solution, frames and baguettes are individually selected, different in terms of materials used and complexity.
Note that a person who has decided to purchase a painting should have a delicate taste and artistic flair, and when placing paintings, you should consider how it will look surrounded by other interior items. For different rooms, paintings of different genres and sizes are suitable. For example, for a kitchen, a still life of a small size painted with juicy bright colors would be a good choice. Larger paintings are well suited for the dining room.
A bright landscape filled with light will visually increase the space, will appear as if a window to another world. Elegant and light watercolor in a thin frame with a floral pattern will perfectly decorate the dining room in the Art Nouveau style. A floral theme is often used in modernism, and surrounded by dark furniture, this picture will give your dining room an additional charm. Decorate such a dining room can also abstract paintings.
In the children’s room, vivid paintings or reproductions depicting fairy-tale heroes or overseas countries will be appropriate. It should not be forgotten that very bright colors can quickly tire a child.
For a bedroom it is better to take a soothing, calm landscape, executed in pastel soft colors. In the bedroom, it is undesirable to use large contrasting and bright canvases, since the decor of the bedroom should contribute to relaxation, including for the eyes. The canvases are placed, as a rule, at the head of the bed, and the paintings are chosen calm, graceful and bright.
In the hallway and hall, you can also place paintings. In a small hallway, medium-sized graphic works will look good, and in a large hall you can hang larger paintings. Pictures, successfully placed in different rooms, can make a house more beautiful, giving it a special mood.
It should not be forgotten that the interior of the room in which it is planned to place paintings corresponds to them, especially when it comes to rare and expensive paintings. For example, a collection of ancient paintings will look good in a room with a classic interior, natural wood furniture, stucco molding on the ceiling, parquet flooring, and for an old painting you will need to choose a frame that matches the style of the art direction of the picture.
In a laconic and austere interior, abstract works of art framed by a thin wooden or metal frame look good. With a small amount of furniture in the room, such paintings and a well-chosen color combination will create a feeling of rich and vibrant interior.
One of the main tasks of using paintings in the design of interiors is to achieve a harmonious combination of paintings with the decor of the room and the background of the wall. It is very important to place the picture correctly. Here are some simple rules for placing pictures:
- Try to prevent sunlight from entering the paintings, otherwise the colors will fade and fade quickly,
- Hang pictures at eye level
- It’s not worth hanging a small picture on a large wall, it will look ridiculous,
- Several paintings placed in a row need to be aligned on the bottom or top edge,
- If the paintings are placed where there is a lot of upholstered furniture, then they must be hung at the level of the eyes of a seated person. In some cases, the paintings are not hung, but installed on wall furniture.
In general, we tried to convince you that the picture is a wonderful decoration of the interior of any style. If you do not have the opportunity to buy the original paintings, then good reproductions from a good salon will look no less expressive if you place them in a strict thin baguette or mat. Also, for decoration, you can use posters or photographs made by a real master, which sometimes are not inferior to paintings in their artistic value. So, the lifestyle of a person and the style of his house are interconnected. Let these notes help you make your home stylish, comfortable, functional and cozy.
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