"Disappearing Beauty. Red Book Plants" 0+
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с 1 Ноября
по 1 ДекабряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
November 1 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open an exhibition of botanical illustrations "Disappearing Beauty. Plants of the Red Book.
Botanical illustration originates in medieval pharmacopoeias and herbalists. Modern artists pay more attention to the aesthetic component of the image: original compositions, color schemes, combining various techniques, “refreshing” the strict botanical illustration, bringing the plot and mood to it.
The exhibition presents works painted in watercolor, gouache, graphic materials. Artists are trying to show the beauty of plants that are on the verge of destruction and draw attention to the problem of ecology and the extermination of rare species of flora. The exhibition not only demonstrates the capabilities of our artists in the genre of botanical painting and illustration, but also introduces the works of recognized masters from England and America, where this direction is very popular. The exhibition is attended by 126 artists from 23 countries - Russia and foreign botanical communities, including from England, the USA, Korea, France, Italy.
In the days of the exhibition, working meetings of artists to exchange experiences, workshops on botanical painting and drawing, lectures by members of the Association of Artists of Botanical Art (AHBI) and the Aptekarsky Garden botanical garden are planned.
Curator: Anna Aleshina - President of AHBI

Gallery "On Kashirka", Moscow, ul. Ak. Millionschikova, 35/5, metro Kashirskaya
Tue-Sun: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Entrance ticket: 100 rubles, preferential 50 rubles.