Automatic translate
с 4 по 16 Октября
Alpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3
Painting exhibition
October 3 - 16, 2017
Opening - October 4, 19-00
Alpert Gallery, Krasnokazarmennaya St., 3
There is no mistake in the name of the exhibition, it is simply “GAME”. The one that is universal and infinite. A game of imagination, reason and a sense of freedom. In general, all that makes Homo Ludens a creator who is able to move away from reality, change and return to it, already transformed.
Alpert Gallery presents an exhibition of Moscow artist Irina Gerasimova. The author, as a child, takes into his game everything that comes to hand: dolls, garlic heads, vases, sea shells, loaves of bread, bowls, tumblers, plastic tubes, Ikean mannequins… The subject world of a little daughter is intricately interwoven with the world of an adult. And in this chaos of ordinary things that do not often inspire painters, the artist puts his own order in order to create a special space, striking with expressive images, unexpected allusions and non-trivial comparisons.
The exhibition features over 30 paintings by the artist over the past 5 years.
The exhibition runs until October 16, 2017.
Opening - October 4, 2017, 19-00.
Irina Gerasimova, was born in Chernigov in 1982. In 2003, she graduated from the ceramics department of the Tver Art College. Venetsianova. In the same year she entered the University. Stroganov at the department of monumental painting, where at the end she remained to teach. She worked in the field of monumental painting in Moscow and the Moscow region, Belgorod, Serpukhov. Member of the Moscow Union of Artists, participant in union exhibitions. Works are in private collections in Russia, Austria. Lives and works in Moscow.
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