Invariants. Facets of the unknown. Svetlana Kalistratova, Vladimir Martirosov
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с 4 по 25 Февраля
Галерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
February 4 at 16.00 in the gallery "On Kashirka" association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" (ul. Ak. Millionshchikova, d. 35, bldg. 5) will open the exhibition "Invariants. Faces of the unknown. ” The project is based on the concept of a dialogue between two famous Moscow artists, combining the painting of Svetlana Kalistratova and the kinetic sculpture of Vladimir Martirosov.
The visual topological structures of Svetlana Kalistratova represent, in a way, the formulas of the world that carry the laws of its variability and development. The kinetic objects of Vladimir Martirosov, as metaphors for all living things, embody the idea of a special form of existence of perpetual motion and the cyclicity of time. The use of different technologies does not interfere with the rapprochement of the spiritual guidelines of the project participants, their desire to express the general feeling of our time - anxiety for maintaining the natural balance on Earth, which in 2017, which was declared the Year of Ecology in Russia, seems especially relevant.
The combination in a single exhibition space of such diverse, attractive, intriguing and, at the same time, harmonious in form works makes them combine in a new way, revealing hidden imaginative possibilities bordering on the strength of the emotional impact with magic.
The project will include:
February 4 - 25 - demonstration of the video installation “Invariants. XXI "(2011). Painting. Graphic arts. - Svetlana Kalistratova. Music “Cisfinitum” - Evgeny Voronovsky. The operator is Victor Ribas. Idea: Alexander Melkumov (Head of the Digital Stereo Cinema Studio at NIKFI).
February 11 at 16.00 - a creative meeting with Svetlana Kalistratova. Performance "Connection". Elya Veremyanina. Music - Evgeny Voronovsky.
February 18 at 16.00 - a creative meeting with Vladimir Martirosov.
Svetlana Kalistratova
Member of the Moscow Union of Artists and the Creative Union of Russian Artists. Graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Since 1980, professionally engaged in art (tapestry, painting). Participates in Russian and foreign exhibitions since 1990. The works are in the collections of the leading museums of the world: in Russia and abroad, as well as in private collections in Russia, France, Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Israel, Germany and the USA.
Vladimir Martirosov
Stage designer. Born in Tbilisi in 1975. In 2000 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (formerly GITIS), the department of scenography under the direction of S. M. Barkhin, and the workshop of S. F. Morozov. Since 1999, he began working in the theater. Since 2000, annually participated in the exhibitions “Results of the season”. Works as an interior designer. Known as the author of sculptural objects.
Invariants. Facets of the unknown.
Svetlana Kalistratova, Vladimir Martirosov
February 4 – 25, 2017
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